Second Target: Myogi

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--The Picture above is one of Myogi's downhill corners.--

---Chapter Summary: The Blue Jets meet a deadly threat: Takeshi Nakazato who has defeated Rin Hojo and taken his R32 with 650 HP!!---



Nakazato flew down Myogi. He smiled and said,"Those Blue Jets think they're cool huh? Well, I have the skill, patience, and horsepower to take anyone in Kanto. This R32 Hojo gave me after I beat him has given me the power to be unbeatable!! Honestly who can stand up to 650 horses??!"

Nakazato's drifting technique improved vastly since the last time he battled anyone. He became more patient and calm, he made sure he never let his emotions get the best of him. He became so collected that when he raced Hojo he let Hojo's tires slip, not his own, and he passed him after Hojo spun out. 

His entire philosophy changed. His entire strategy changed, it was this: He had enough engine strength to pass anyone, but if he could just stay behind and conserve his tire and brake strength, he could win by passing every opponent before the race ended. Genius, Nakazato thought.

His old R32 was sold, the money he got from it was put into increasing the tire and brake strength. The new and improved R32 Nakazato named: The Black Death, after the plague that killed half of Europe, to show what Nakazato planned to do to David's racing style, a Westerner, when he arrived at Myogi.

The Black Death had the Myogi Night Kids Sticker on its hood. The entire team recognized Nakazato's authority, after Shingo put himself in the hospital trying to beat Nakazato in a battle to decide who would lead the Night Kids.

Entering a downhill corner, Nakazato calmly counter steered lightly to the right, doing a dangerously fast hairpin skillfully. 

"That hairpin wasn't even my fastest! I wait for you, Green Comet of Kobushi..." Nakazato said coldly, roaring down Myogi at the fastest speed anyone's ever gone down the course before.


David drove down the highway, with the Blue Jets behind him. 

"David's getting better and better at the fastest rate I've seen!!" Takeshi said to himself,"Those hairpins were incredible!! Its as if every battle, he becomes a brand new and bettered driver! I'm  so glad he's our ace! I couldn't ask for a better leader!!"

David looked in his rearview mirror, the Blue Jets rolled in a line behind him, each driving quickly. David smiled, his girlfriend Mary was happy he was winning races, his team was happy, he was happy.

They reached Myogi. Nakazato leaned on his R32 calmly. The Night Kids lined up behind him.

The Blue Jets rolled up at the top. Every racer looked at each other from across the road.

Nakazato found the American and said to him,"I've been waiting for you and your team American. Thank you for coming, I'm sure our battle will be a story to tell for generations."

"Awesome, let's race tomorrow night." David said,"I want to get this course down pat before we race, just get an idea of the course y'know?"

"Sure, sure take as long as you want." Nakazato said.

'Jeez, he sounds like a calm and collected guy.' David thought.

"Tomorrow at 9:25 then?" Nakazato said.

"Of course of course, its my challenge. You choose the time." David said.


"David! You can't underestimate this guy!! You remember the battle with Hinata? Right?" Kaito warned.

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