Chapter Two

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The game was called Never Have I Ever. I wasn't supposed to lie, but now that i think about it, i probably should have. Who did i have a crush on you ask? Both of them, but probably Austin a little bit more. Austin was sweet, calm, and collected, which was right up my alley. But Alex was adorable, funny, and sometimes wild, which wasn't what i normally looked for. I didn't like Robert like that, i've always thought of him as the best friend type and nothing more, which should be how i thought of Austin and Alex. But no. The only thing that kept me away from admitting that i liked both of them was the fact i didn't want to ruin our friendship. But who knows? Maybe what i feel is just a phase and i will get over it sooner or later. 

 "Well.." Alex said. "Does that mean your...?"

I hit him in the arm. "NOO! You know i don't roll that way Constancio.." He nodded in agreement, knowing i was right. But of course, Austin was the smart one, so he knew what i meant.

"She means one of us dude... Or Robert" Austin said. I looked over at him and down towards his hands. He only had 8 fingers up now when before he had 9.

"Not Robert..." i stated. "But why do you have 8 fingers down?" i asked, referring to his hand, trying to get off the subject of me. 

"I um.. well," he said looking out towards the trees. It made me curious, so i looked down at Alex's fingers noticing he had 8 down too. 

"You too?" i asked Alex.

"Welll, Sarah was my best friend at one point." he smiled, but it was a lie. Him and Sarah were never best friends before they dated. They hardly ever really talked that often. I mean, of course i should know, i was his best friend. 

"Let's hold off on the game for a second, and let's tell the truth here" i said putting down my hands and wrapping my arms around my stomach. "Austin, you go first."

"Why not you? You were the first to put down your finger!" He exclaimed, obviously not liking i chose him first.

"Fine." i said, pretending like i was going to talk but looked at Alex. "Alex, you go first"

"Kay. I'm going to be totally honest with both of you." he exclaimed, looking at us with a serious face. "I've had this huge crush on Austin forever. It all started with going to the beach and seeing him shirtless for the first time...."

I couldn't help but giggle a little bit. Even though it wasn't true, it was still funny. Austin on the other hand, not so much.

"For real dude, just go" He said impatiently. 

"Fine. Well you guys know i like Sarah and all, she's amazing, she's wonderful, and she's beautiful. But as you know as well, our relationship has kind of been falling apart. It's just not RIGHT." he shook his head. "But when i look into the eyes of another girl practically every day, and see that gorgeous smile that i fall in love with everytime i make her laugh, i couldn't help but fall for her." 

Okay now i was TOTALLY confused. "Who is it?" i asked.

"Paisley, that girl is you" he said seriously.

"Are you kidding me?" Austin said standing up, a little angry.

"What's your problem?" Alex asked, just as confused as i was. 

"You know what my problem is! You have known for almost a year now that i have liked her!" he said. My head starting spinning, and i was trying to figure out if this was reality or a dream.

"Bro, i-i never thought it would happen. Especially with me dating Sarah." Alex said. Austin calmed down a little bit and sat back down. 

"Wait so, you both like me? More than a best friend?" i asked, wanting an official confirmation.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (An Austin Mahone&Alex Constancio Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now