Chapter Thirteen

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A full week passed, and me and Austin spent every possible minute we could together. Of course, Wednesday had to come sooner or later, and when it did, i was terribly upset. Just think of it this way- The boy who your madly in love with being gone for 6 months. He could either remember you, or forget you, and i'm pretty sure the last part of the two choices is what was going to happen. This was what my thoughts were 3 months ago, and of course, i was correct.

 Our calls turned into once every week, we had a Skype session once every 3 weeks it felt like, we barely text, and i've only been flown to Miami once. I was starting to fade away from Austin, and to be honest with you, it killed me that me and Austin were no longer head over heels for each other. But for some reason, deep inside, i felt like that was okay. 

 I was over at Alex's house on a Friday afternoon, just sitting around and chilling in his bedroom watching Wizards of Waverly Place which, let me just say, was starting to get boring. I wanted to do something. Something fun.

"Alex, i'm bored" i said, giving him a sigh.

"Well... what do you wanna do?" he questioned me. 

"Hmm.." i started, giving a little thought into it "How about we go glow in the dark golfing?"

"Sounds good to me!" He said, jumping up off his bed "LEGGO!"

I giggled and followed behind him down the stairs and into his car, which just let me say, smelled like an amazing vanilla. When we reached the place, me and Alex payed and started golfing. One hole i just couldn't get, so Alex walked over and helped me get it in by taking my arms from the back and helping me swing. 

"see you got it!" he said. 

"That's only because you helped me!" i giggled and playfully punched him in the arm. Between you and me, i've really started to fall head over heels for Alex. Since Austin has been ignoring me basically because of his career or whatever, Alex has been here being a shoulder to cry on and was being an amazing best friend. Not only that, i already had feelings for him anyways so that didn't help the fact either.

After we went golfing, we went back to Alex's and just sat in his room and talked for awhile. Somehow we got on the topic of Austin and i started crying. 

"Pay, come on. It's okay" Alex said, pulling me into a hug. 

"No it's not okay!" i said when we pulled back "He doesn't even care about me any more"

"That's not true" Alex said, taking my hand in his "And even if it was, he's missing out on an amazing girl" I smiled a sad smile and Alex leaned in, and without thinking our lips touched. The door opened and i heard a familiar voice say

"HEY GU- What the fuck?!"

Me and Alex turned around to find... Austin. I jumped away from Alex and scratched the back of my head. 

"A-Austin! What are you going here?" i asked shyly. He gave me a mean look.

"WELL i was here to suprise you guys, but um i guess you were too busy smooching on each other" he growled. 

"Austin i'm so sorry i just-" Alex started, but Austin held up his hand. 

"Drop it. Just forget it. And Paisley?" Austin said turning to me "WERE DONE." He walked out of the room and down the stairs, Alex and me following after. 

"Wait Austin!" i asked, running in front of him to stop him. "I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry that we started to grow apart. I'm sorry that we fell out of love. I'm sorry that were no longer dating, but i'll tell you one thing- i'm NOT sorry for kissing Alex"

He gave me a look that came across hurt and sorrow. "That was your plan all along wasn't it? To just forget about me and date Alex?"

I gave him a look that expressed that i was frustrated with him. It was my fault of course, it was ALWAYS my fault. "First off, you stopped texting me basically after the first MONTH after you left! We barely even talked, and not only that you were the one who broke up with me anyways!"

"Well you know what? Have fun with Alex! I don't care!" Austin said pushing past me and out the door. I just turned back to Alex and felt hot tears starting to ring my eyes. Alex rushed over and pulled me into a hug, letting me cry into his shoulder. 

"He's such a jerk!" i hissed "I always thought he was the most perfect guy for me, but i guess not!"

"Pay, you deserve much better" Alex said softly, pulling me away from his body and looking me in the eyes. "He'll realize sooner or later that he made a mistake"

"Alex.." i murmured after a long time of looking into his eyes, trying to forget about the situation "I think i love you"

"I've always loved you" he whispered leaning in "No matter what Austin says, i loved you first"

I smiled, pressing my forehead to his, causing my heart to race faster than it ever has before. Alex leaned downward and kissed my lips gently, causing me to melt. 

"Come on. Let's go watch Titanic and eat some ice cream" He said, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs. 

Tonight, i gained something and i lost something, but i have one boy who really loves me for who i am, and i think i'm starting to love him too.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (An Austin Mahone&Alex Constancio Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now