Chapter Seven

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  I got dressed in a nice crop top that showed my freshly tanned stomach a little bit, and a pair of bleached short shorts. I scrunched my hair and did my make up and slid on my favorite pair of rainbows. I waited for the others who were actually just starting to finish up, and we were all ready. We decided that we would go to a teen club, you know, just to try something different. When we got there, there wasn't very many people which was just fine with us. I pulled Taylor and Cheyenne out onto the floor and we danced to 'The Motto' By Drake. We took a bunch of pictures and i uploaded them all over facebook and twitter. 

"I love this song!" I said when 'Blame It' by Jamie Foxx came on. Cheyenne gasped

"Oh my gosh! Me too!" She said, taking my hand and walking out to the dance floor. Cecily just stood there eating a carrot and drinking carrot juice, just watching us. Cecily wasn't really a party person, but oh well. 

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and i told Cheyenne to hold on. It was from Austin.

hey(: it said.

Hey :) I responded.

How's everything going? Are you okay? I heard you got upset earlier..

I paused and looked over at Cheyenne. "Did you tell Austin about earlier?"

"Nope. I haven't texted him all day" she shrugged.

"Then.. Why.. How did he know i got upset?" i asked confused. She just looked at me and she gave me a look.

"It was Heather."

"Oh.." i shrugged. "Okay. I just wanted to know" I looked down at my phone and responded

Yeah i'm okay. It's just that it's still taking me awhile to get used to the fact that Alex likes me too

Yeah... about that.... 

What do you mean?

I'm really starting to wonder if this is what's best for us...

Austin, please don't say that. Don't let Alex ruin our relationship. Please.

Alright. I agree. Hey i have to go, bye <3

Bye <3

I looked over to Cheyenne and sighed. "I haven't heard much from Alex today.."

"And you care about that why?" she laughed.

"I miss him" i shrugged.

"But..Pay.." she started but i stopped her. 

"I get it. It's wrong. But Alex is also my best friend so in love with him or not, i'm still going to miss him" i stated. She gave in and agreed, knowing i was right. I walked back over to Taylor and sighed.

"I'm getting bored here. Can we go somewhere else?" i asked.

"Yeah sure. This club only has good music and that's about it" she laughed. We gathered everybody up and we started walking down the street beside the beach. I noticed i was getting a call  from Alex when we were starting to get ice cream at Coldstone Creamery, and i answered happily. 

"Hey" he said.

"Hey Alex" i said back. Cheyenne looked over at me and sighed. "How are you?"

"Amazing, now that i'm talking to you" he said flirtatiously. 

"Alex, please don't.." i mumbled. I loved Alex, but i was with Austin, and i didn't want him to make my life harder by making me fall for him more. Cute little comments like that were adorable to me, and i didn't want him to think that was okay.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (An Austin Mahone&Alex Constancio Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now