Chapter Eleven

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When i got home that Monday afternoon, i invited Austin, Alex, and Robert over. I needed to catch up with ALL of the boys, just like old times. They all said they could come, so i got dressed in something more comfortable. 

When i heard the doorbell ring, i ran downstairs and Alex was the first one there. He smiled a huge smile. 

"Hey Pay" he smiled. He pulled me into a hug and i hugged back willingly. He smelled like the cologne that i REALLY loved on guys, no matter who they were. 

"Hey Alex" i said when we pulled back. "Come on in"

He came in and sat down on the couch and smiled, patting the spot next to him.

"So what's up?" i asked. We didn't really get to talk at school today so, that's why i was asking him.

"Nothing really. I just spent the most boringest day at school EVER, i sware" he mumbled, and i laughed. 

"That's not funny! It was really ridiculous!" 

"Actually, i was laughing at the fact that you said boringest" i giggled. He rolled his eyes and the doorbell rang again, and when i opened it, Austin AND Robert were standing there. 

"Hey" Austin smiled. 

"Hey" i said back. He walked in with Robert and He pulled me into his body, letting Robert awkwardly shut the door. 

"Hey Robbss" i laughed. He nodded his head and walked over to Alex. I turned back to Austin and he kissed me softly. 

"I've missed you so much" he said. 

"I've missed you more" i said. 

Austin laughed like i just told him the funniest joke on the planet, then he got serious. "No."

I giggled. "Again, your adorable" He smirked and we joined Robert and Alex.

"SOOOOO what do you wanna do?" Alex asked, looking around. 

"What we normally do" i smiled "We talk"

"But- That's boring." Alex groaned. 

"I got it!" Robert said, standing up. "WE DANCE!"

"YEAHH!" i said. "Give me a second, let me go get my CDs"

I ran up my stairs and grabbed all the possible CDs i have in my room and ran back down and picked the Rihanna album first. We danced crazily to that for awhile and then we got bored so we just decided on a movie. We ended up watching yep you guessed it, Titanic. 

"Hey um Pay. I have to tell you something" Austin said, a serious look on his face. I nodded and he gestured for us to go outside on the porch. When we got out there, i asked him

"What's wrong?"

"Please don't hate me." he said, a sad look on his face.

"I'm not going to hate you Austin. What is it?" i asked, a little concerned. All of the bad things that i could possibly think of popped up into my head.

"I have to move to Miami by next week" he said softly. All of a sudden, my whole world crashed on me, making me fall to the ground. Did he really just say what i thought he said?  

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (An Austin Mahone&Alex Constancio Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now