Chapter Nine

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The next morning i woke up to find that i was wrapped in Austin's arms.  I smiled at how cute he was when he was asleep, thinking about all those sleepovers we used to have what felt like so long ago. I wiggled out of his arms and went into the bathroom to take a shower, and when i got out, everybody was awake except Austin. 

 Cecily was sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal and talking to her boyfriend Kasey. "I really miss you" she said. 

He must have said he missed her too because a sudden smile spread across her face. "I love you too" she said, then hung up. 

"Awww was that your babbbyyyy?" i asked playfully. Her face turned red and she looked down. 

"Shut up" 

At this time, Austin came out of the bedroom, his shirt was off and his hair was matted to his forehead. 

"Well goodmorning sleepy head" i said. 

"Good morning" he smiled. He kissed me on the cheek and sat down at the table beside me. Heather walked over and stopped in her tracks. 

"Whoaa. Shirtless hot guy at the table"

We all laughed. She gave her 'just kidding' speech and we all ate. Afterwards, my phone started vibrating and i looked down, expecting my dad's name to be on the screen but it was Alex. 

"Hi" i said. 

"Hey. Why have you been ignoring me?" he asked a little upset. 

"I haven't been ignoring you" i lied. 

"Yes you have! Your on Twitter 24/7 and you don't read my DMs or answer any of my texts or calls!" he bursted out. 

"I'm sorry Alex, it's just that you have been trying to get me to try and like you more but it's just not happening!" i cried. "I'm happy with Austin"

"No Pay listen. I can't stand the fact of NOT being your best friend because of this." he said sternly "I promise you i will never come on you like that again. I'm really sorry"

I considered his words for a moment and said "Alex, you never stopped being my best friend. But i will accept your apology."

He let out a relieved sigh on the other end of the line and i could tell he was smiling when he said "Thank you for another chance Pay." 

"No problem" i said back. "I have to go, but i'll talk to you later"

"Okay, bye." he said. I hung up and ate my cereal and then looked towards the others. 

"What?" i asked them.

"Your just going to forgive Alex that easily?" Cheyenne said. I was a little taken aback. Why did it matter?

"I mean, it's not like he's tried to kiss me or said that he loved me or anything" i snapped. 

"Yeah but, he really made you upset.." she said. 

"And?" i questioned. "It doesn't matter. It's said and done now"

"Fine. Okay" she murmured. 

"So what are we doing today?" Heather asked. 

"I saw on the news that they were having a fair today and apparently popstar over here is supposed to perform" Amanda said, pointing to Austin. 

"Your performing?" i smiled. I loved when he performed, he was so into it and his voice was amazing. 

"Yeah" he smiled "Your not mad right?"

"Why would i be mad?" i questioned him "I'm actually excited! This should be so much fun!" 

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (An Austin Mahone&Alex Constancio Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now