12. northbound

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**picture: Portland, ME

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**picture: Portland, ME

Brock was putting his duffel bag in the back of an SUV when the team got to the parking lot. The security guard handed keys to Ron and Aldana and pointed at the SUVs parked right by Brock's. He got in his while Ron, Fred and Hank climbed into another one, and frowned when Russell came to get in with him and Aldana got alone in the third vehicle. Then he saw Gillian hurrying from the elevator and Aldana giving her room behind the wheel.

Russell's phone buzzed as Brock started the engine.

"We're going straight to the police station?" he asked, reading the text.


Russell raised his eyebrows at Brock's curt answer and texted the answer. Brock geared in and drove out of the parking lot onto the street; the other SUVs followed. Sensing Brock was not in the best of moods, Russell plugged his earphones, leaned back in his seat and kept his eyes ahead without a word.

The three SUVs headed north, out of town. They were barely past the city limits when Gillian's phone buzzed. She checked it and took the call on speaker.

"You know, Reg? We were wondering...," said Hank. Gillian and Aldana traded a frown at his unusual thoughtful tone. "How is this gonna be? I mean, you're our team leader, but now Russell's our senior."

"And Brockner's the total big shot," added Ron. "Who's gonna make the calls here?"

"Agent Brockner, of course," replied Gillian, a little surprised. "You just said it, lads. He's the big shot now, so we follow his lead."

"If you say so..."

Gillian frowned deeper "What is it, lads?"

"Nothing. Just asking."

They disconnected and Gillian glanced at Aldana. "What's with them all of a sudden?" she asked. "This is not our first case with Russ and Brockner."

Aldana shrugged. "Plain to see he's taking us along only 'cause Cassidy told him to."

"Well, we know he ain't no Prince Charming."

"Damn right. But it's not exactly a thrill, taking a case under somebody who doesn't like us, Reg."

Gillian sighed. Aldana was right, and there was no point in arguing. She could only hope Brock wouldn't behave like the bitter ass he was, and for once, would apply his profiling skills to what was right before his nose.

The Reckoning - BLACKBIRD book 3Where stories live. Discover now