Ch.18: Sylvester

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**A/N: Wattpad decided to freak out on me, so, if there is anything in here that does not make sense or something sounds like it is missing, PLEASE let me know so I can take a look at it. Wattpad moved paragraphs around and deleted others, but have no fear, I have it written on a Word Document. Just let me know so I can go back and fix it. **

Lucifer watches in fascination as Ace manages to hold Maiz in one arm and feed her while eating simultaneously with his other hand. Ace has only had Maiz a little over a week now, and yet he has become a master at doing things while taking care of Maiz at the same time.

Ace smiles at the beautiful baby in his arm who sucks at her bottle hungrily. Then he shovels another fork full of rice and vegetables inside his mouth. He glances up to find Lucifer openly staring at him. Ace quickly chews and swallows the food in his mouth before raising an eyebrow at the man sitting across from him.

"What?" Ace questions.

Lucifer smiles at the boy. "You amaze me,"

"Uhm, how?" Ace asks confused. All he is doing is eating, how is that amazing?

"You are like a human mother, after you have a baby you tune into it and manage to do almost the impossible,"

Ace glances down at Maiz before looking back up to Lucifer. "Uhm, what? All I'm doing is feeding her and eating, how is that impossible?"

"I said almost, and because you have managed to work everything around her. You are used to eating with both hands, but now you have learned to use only one while you eat,"

"Okay then," Ace says slowly. "If you think that's cool, good for you," He says the ending with a chuckle.

Lucifer shakes his head with a smile. "You amaze me, Ace, just accept it,"

Ace shrugs his shoulders. "I wasn't not accepting it,"

"Good," Lucifer says before taking a sip of his red wine.

Both men go back to eating silently, that is until Ace remembers something a few minutes later. "Lucifer, you said you have a tail,"

Lucifer raises an eyebrow. "I do,"

Ace clears his throat as he nods his head. "You also said it was a he and that he was alive,"

Lucifer nods his head. "Yes, his name is Sylvester," Lucifer is curious as to where Ace is going with this.

"Sylvester," Ace whispers to himself, but Lucifer still heard it. "Can I meet him sometime? I sort of feel like I don't know you completely by not knowing Sylvester,"

Lucifer grins wide. "Sylvester has been waiting patiently to meet you," He says as he stands from his chair and moves to the other side of the table to grab Ace's free hand. "Come, you can meet him now,"

Ace's eyes widen but he allows Lucifer to pull him from his chair anyway. Once standing he adjusts Maiz in his arms so she is cradled and can finish her bottle, then Lucifer leads them from the large dining hall.

"Ace, do you remember this morning when I promised you were all mine tonight?" Lucifer questions as he leads them down a long hallway with marble floors.

"How could I forget?" Ace chuckles. He has secretly been waiting for tonight since Lucifer promised it this morning.

Lucifer grins to himself. "Sylvester would like you too,"

Ace almost stumbles but Lucifer is quick to catch him and pull him into his side. "What? What do you mean by that?"

Lucifer kisses the boy on the temple. "It means, Sylvester wants to love you like I do, he wants to play with you like I do,"

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