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"And now, let's give my fucking ex boyfriend a round of applause for breaking my heart! Also, shoutout to those fake people around me. Ya'll can fuck yourselves! Peace out."

It was that time of the year again--and no, it wasn't Christmas, as much as Stanford High's Student Council President wanted it to be. Sadly, it was the basketball recognition ceremony.

Wherein Gemma Spencer, a senior student of Stanford High and the current President of the Student Council, would host the event.

Apparently, that wasn't her speech, as much as she dearly prayed it was.

"And now, let's give a round of applause for our Golden Tigers, together with our new baby Tigers!" Gemma spoke enthusiastically from behind the podium, clapping, while her eyes were fixed on the cheering students.

That was her short speech.

Despite her inner self protesting from showing everyone her fake current state, she chose to wear her favorite mask--the cheerful facade.

She even had to pair it with a different tone of voice. Sounding as if she had been looking forward to this event, was definitely hard; for this was the day she least wanted to arrive.

Actually, she even wished she'd get sick on this exact day.

Students roared when the doors of the school's gymnasium slammed open, group of men in their jerseys jogged their way inside. The new members of their team were the last to enter the room--each one had that proud face.

The team captain, Harvey Ross, was the first to lead his team. His disheveled dirty blonde hair bounced as he made his way to the stage, with his sparkling smile that captivated his fans' hearts and a wave to everyone who supported him.

Gemma paired her smile with the team captain's. She reminded herself that she should offer him a congratulatory handshake.

The two stood there for a few seconds first before greeting each other with a handshake. Harvey's eyes examined the pair of blue orbs that were staring back at his. If it wasn't for the shade of green in his eyes, he would almost think they had turned blue for staring at hers for too long.

"Congratulations, Harvey Ross." Gemma nearly shouted for the noise the crowd was emitting had covered their ears.

He had forgotten the cheers and howls of every student inside the gymnasium. The pair of blue eyes that had always captivated him, was able to drag him away from where he was currently rooted at.

"Thank you, Gemma Spencer." He took her awaiting hand, firmly accepting the handshake she offered.

There was hunger in his grasp yet she could still feel how gently he held her. It felt like it had been a while since her small delicate hand was caged around his.

How she missed his rough hand.

Cheers turned into shrills as soon as the two satisfied the crowd's interest--seeing their campus sweetheart and team captain together in their eyes.

Mr. Burke, the school's principal, forced himself in the picture. He stretched out his hand to offer the team captain a handshake.

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