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Port's cafe was a common meeting place among friends. It was rooted near the school, neighborhood, and some establishments so it wouldn't be difficult to spot it. Back in the old days, it was a ritual for Aaron and Gemma to drop by before going home.

"The inseparable couple is back."

Portia smiled at the two before placing the tray on the table. She was the owner of the cafe. From time to time, she'd help around since the amount of customers visiting them now were twice as much than what they had before.

She treated these two as friends. Because they were her regular customers, she became fond of them.

"Chocolate milkshake for Gemma and a Port's Special Mocha for Aaron," she placed their orders on the table. Before leaving, she looked at him. "You'd gone thinner, boy. Gone for years and you return in that kind of state?"

Aaron pursed his lips before smiling, "Gemma always kept me up."

Portia raised an eyebrow when she looked at Gemma. "I do believe that would be for studying?"

"And you still believe him after all these years." She answered, sighing with her head swaying from side to side.

"Chocolate Chip Sour Cream cake's on me! It's our new recipe," Portia announced before placing a hand on Aaron's shoulder, "I want you to gain weight before you leave."

The store had only added a few recipes in their menu. All the milkshakes, hot chocolates, juices that Gemma had been having during middle school were still lingering in her tongue. She had no choice since those were the only drinks she was allowed to buy.

But since she'd gone older, her orders now circled around a variety of hot to cold coffees.

"You're not ordering coffee today?" Aaron stated the obvious, bringing the hot mug near his lips.

The two sat facing one another. It had always been that way whenever they'd dine together. They'd been sitting beside each other all throughout the years. Considering their professors chose to place their students in alphabetical order, Spencer and Sterling would sit next to each other--even if they were given the freedom to choose their spot.

Gemma sighed. "I can't sleep. I don't want to add more reasons for me not to have my beauty rest tonight."

After taking a sip, Aaron placed the mug back on the dark wooden table. He always wanted to try their coffee since it was what Gemma had been drinking every time she'd visit the cafe.

The way she described the perfect combination of its sweetness and its bitterness had tickled his curiosity. And he wasn't even mad, for she was right about how aromatic it was and how good it tasted.

"Come on. You still look beautiful, Gemma," he smiled.

"You, on the contrary, should be taking that beauty rest," she chuckled while waving a hand to cover the blush that was giving color to her cheeks. "You've gone thinner! And you look tired. Dude, do you even sleep?"

Was there a time the two failed to call each other through FaceTime or Skype? Yes. But it scarcely happened, one wouldn't notice they weren't able to do so since they'd compensate for it.

"I do. It's just that, I was busy these past months." Aaron rubbed his face using his palms, hoping it would somehow erase the tired look off his face.

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