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For three consecutive days, there was no sign of Aaron Sterling.

It would be a complete lie if this news didn't leave Gemma devastated.

The night when she got home from the hospital, she felt stupid for hoping for a text from him. When there was none, something that didn't really surprise her, she extended her hopes the next morning.

Was it too much to expect knowing that he had this rule about texting her a good morning? Apparently, there was none. Zero text messages greeted her instead.

A huge frown was etched on her face all throughout that day.

Harvey didn't bother disturbing Gemma's gloomy state. He knew her best friend was more important than him and it was obvious that whatever state Aaron was in, it was bothering her big time.

Gemma told Elisa everything. Elisa assured her that Aaron was obviously spending his time resting and that he could be restricted from using his cellphone—which was the sole reason why he couldn't send Gemma a single 'hi.'

Gemma thought she was selfish and heartless for Aaron should be having his rest instead of fulfilling his job as her best friend. With that, she made sure she would patiently wait for him.

On the second day, her anxiety was brewing fast and was consuming too much of her whole self. It was only day two, yet it felt like it had been two weeks already.

She woke up earlier before her clock could even scream at her. No new text messages or missed calls flashed on her phone's screen.

She went to school with that frown again, like a bad weather was just on top of her head. From time to time, she'd check her phone and would contemplate whether she should send him a text, give him a call, or should just wait for him again.

By the time she got home, she was still distressed by his two-days absent. She remembered how he could still leave a message, informing her that he was sick and wouldn't be able to call her or do a video call with her.

Gemma rang his number and waited for him to pick up. She did this for three times. With every attempt, she prayed she'd hear his voice. His husky, tired, and shy voice. It had only been two days yet she already missed this.

For the third day, Gemma had enough. There was still no answer from Aaron and she could no longer think of a reason why he'd spend a lot of time at the hospital. So with the help of her friend, Elisa, they made their way to the hospital to pay him a visit.

Elisa agreed and thought that this was a brilliant idea. She knew Aaron wouldn't be able to escape her this time—not unless he'd take the needle off his skin and ran away from her.

However, all their enthusiasm went down the drain when the nurse told them he was already discharged since the night Gemma had left.

The last place they wanted to check was his house. But Gemma thought it would be too much that she convinced Elisa to ignore him for a while.

If Aaron wanted to be alone or to regain much strength, she'd let him have it.

And now, day four day came. These mixed emotions and questions kept on poking her, disturbing her attempt in keeping a calm mind.

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