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Accompanying one's best friend should be fun and exciting. Well, not unless that person was Gemma Spencer. . .

"Oh my God!" Gemma squealed, rushing her way to the display of clothes before her. "Sale! Sale! Sale! I knew they're on saaaale!"

She entered the store, not minding her companion who was struggling with keeping up with her.

In less than ten minutes, Aaron had already heaved out ten exhausted sighs. Both were only able to stroll around the mall for thirty minutes yet he looked like he walked nonstop for three hours.

The two went out to spend some time at the mall. Gemma was free and Aaron wanted to make up with her for the days he was nowhere to be found. That's why after lunch, he dropped by her house to pick her up.

And because the only time they were able to hang out together at the mall was when they were little, she asked him to go shopping with her. He only had two choices though; to go with her or to groan out loud first, before going with her.

During the old days when the two would talk through FaceTime, Gemma would tell him her adventures in shopping. The storytelling would last for minutes to hours, a proof that the time she had spent at the mall would be for a whole day.

Yes, Aaron was weary. Big time. But for him, as long as they were together, he didn't care how tired he was.

In a few hours, Gemma came empty-handed; not a single shopping bag was on her arm. She had that hard look on her face, perhaps thinking of what or where exactly she should spend her savings.

The rack of nail polish got her curious. She loved checking and trying different colors on her nails though she hardly wore any. Aaron stood behind her and watched her paint her nails with different colors: light pink, black, hot red, maroon, and dark blue.

When all of her nails were coated, she looked up at him with a frown.

Aaron sighed. "Fine. Rule number twenty-eight, he will let you paint his nails."

"I really love your rules." Gemma showed him a giddy smile before painting his pinky finger with neon pink. "Does your hand still hurt?"

"It doesn't."

Of course, Aaron had forgotten about the pain, for her soft hand was like the cure his fingers were looking for.

While she was at it, he glanced around and saw that some girls were giggling at them. He wasn't sure if they thought that what they were doing was cute or hideous.

Gemma cupped his cheeks to force him to look down at her. "And since you have this rule about painting nails, how about we paint your face too?"

"Y-you're lucky because that's my rule number twenty-nine." He gulped. "Just make sure we're talking about makeup and not paint. . ."

Her eyes beamed with delight. As much as he wanted to be happy for her, this scenario had him cringing.

"You are so pale, let's put some color on your face." She grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the makeup section.

Objecting was useless since this was included in his list anyway?

The saleslady watched the two, a smile was on her lips as she prevented herself from laughing. Gemma forced him to sit beside the display of makeup then examined the different shades of liquid foundation; she chose the one that would suit him.

Carefully, she applied the foundation on his skin using her fingers. She liked how smooth his skin was. As for him, he enjoyed how her fingers lightly stroked his face. He shut his eyes for a while to enjoy this moment.

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