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Port's was packed with customers for a Friday afternoon. After class, most students would go here or to the public library to continue their study. Some of them would hang out instead to catch up with their friends.

"Should I change my relationship status now?" Gemma batted her eyelashes as she gave her boyfriend that sweet smile.

She was referring to her Facebook account. It had that single status ever since Harvey broke up with her. However, it was visible only to her. She didn't want anyone to know about their relationship.

Aaron glanced at her. "I won't feel bad if you don't change it. So it's up to you if you want to or not."

With a hum, she playfully rubbed her chin and gave him a taunting look. "Okay. I'm in a relationship with Christian Grey then?"

He still had that blank look on his face, seeming as if he was unbothered by her tease. "I know you don't like him."

"Peeta Mellark."

"You'd rather choose Gale or Finnick over him."

"I like Sam Claflin." Gemma mumbled to herself while she browsed her Facebook profile.

Aaron knew who these guys she liked and hated. In fact, he knew exactly what could make her gawk at someone. Tall, with a well-toned body—which shouldn't be buff or too big—a chiseled jawline, and a captivating smile with sparkling white teeth. Most of her previous lovers had these features.

One reason why he didn't believe she'd accept him that easily. He was the absolute opposite of these men she liked.

A random guy walked to their table and greeted Gemma. He was wearing that varsity jacket of Stanford High. Aaron assumed he was a part of the basketball team because of his built and because of his jacket. In return, Gemma acknowledged his presence by smiling at him. In order to ignore the pang of jealousy Aaron was feeling, his eyes roamed around the table.

The sight of her hand on top of the table was tempting. Aaron wanted to touch that soft hand, intertwine their fingers together while she put her attention on her laptop. He wished he could sit beside her instead and put his arm around her waist or around her shoulder, just to scare these men away and to stop them from gaping at her. But who was he kidding? With just one shove, he could collapse and might even end up breaking a bone.

What he only hoped for was to make it seem like he really was Gemma's boyfriend; not her best friend or a random guy who asked to sit with her. He wanted to look as cool as these men who could ask a beautiful girl like her to be their girlfriend. A type of guy who could wear a leather jacket, tattoos, ride a motorcycle, or even smoke.

But there he was, sitting in front of his girlfriend, playing with the snagged thread on his dark sweater. Just the thought of smoking made him cough already.

All his life, he had to wear a sweater or a jacket to keep him warm. The cold weather bothered him to the point that he could catch a cold. He thought it was nice, having to wear them for it could make him think he was packed with muscles. A deceiving trick he thought was nice. Because to him, he was the last person a woman would dare look at twice.

"You don't have to tag me or mention my name." Aaron spoke after a minute of silence.

Gemma blinked twice when she stared at him. "Why not?"

He chose to stir his drink first before answering. "It's because I deactivated my account."

"Clearly, I can see your account." She deadpanned.

"I will deactivate it later."

"But why?"

"I don't like Facebook."

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