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Aaron: Good morning, Gemma.

Gemma: You're too early for a morning greeting

Gemma: Good mronimg too btw

Gemma: *morning

Aaron: Rule number 11, he should always text you good morning.

Gemma: What if he's not a morning person? 🙄

Aaron: Then he should at least text you Good Afternoon?

Gemma: What's with that requirement??

Aaron: It's like wishing the one you love a good morning. Literally wishing them a GOOD moooorning

Gemma: Creep

It had been a while since she had a smile as soon as she woke up. Gemma placed her phone back on the bedside table, stretched her arms up as she made her way inside the bathroom. She had no plans being productive today. All she wanted to do was be lazy, read a novel or watch some movies.

It was a Saturday, and she deserved some relaxation. But of course, she should finish her schoolwork first before anything else. However, her plans came crashing down right when her mom knocked on her door.

"Gemma? Aaron's waiting for you downstairs. Hurry up."

She just finished washing her face and because of this news, she wasn't able to wipe the water off. She didn't care if the droplets of water had scattered on her shirt. She was almost running when she went out of her bedroom.

Aaron was sitting on the couch, his eyes were examining the surroundings. When Gemma entered the room, his eyes widened because of her look; hair was still a mess, some water was slowly gliding down her smooth skin and then, there was her shirt.

He wanted to think that she was as excited as he was in seeing her. But the scowl on her face made him think otherwise.

She crossed her arms. "What are you doing here?"

"Why are you always asking me that?" Slightly, Aaron showed her a frown.

"It's because you're everywhere."

"Gemma," Karen gave her a warning tone. Even if she busied herself in the kitchen, she could still hear Gemma's words; either it was loud enough, or she just had bionic ears.

"Ugh!" She grunted, pulling up the neckline of her shirt to wipe the remaining water on her face.

"Yet you two were like glued to one another when you were little." Frank entered the living room with a newspaper in his hand.

Aaron stood from the couch. "Good morning, sir."

He raised an arm when he looked at him. "Drop the formalities, boy. Call me Frank; and I don't want to repeat myself again after four years."

Aaron cracked a smile and nodded. Frank smiled back at him then proceeded to the kitchen. Gemma didn't move a single muscle, including her eyes that had turned into slits and her burning stare on her best friend.

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