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"Em, how much do you remember?"

"I remember everything up to loosing my memories- then something's are a little fuzzy. And waking up to you Dean at the hotel."

"Well," Dean cleared his throat."We found you at your old house, tied up, we untied you and we were about to leave when Ruth came around the corner and told us what she did. You weren't Emily anymore. Our Emily at least. She took out all of your memories and separated them into four jars we had to find. You left with Ruth after that. That was not a good morning. And plus it was Sam's birthday so it was probably the worst birthday he's ever had."

"Sam, I'm so sorry. But Happy birthday!" I wrapped my arms around Sam. "Wait- doesn't that mean that my-"

"Birthday was after mine. Yeah. Dean had a pie for you. So I'll return the favor and say Happy Birthday Em."

"Thanks Sam. So what happened after that?"

"Bobby had a friend, Pamela, that helped us find all of the Jars. Cas helped as well. He found the spell to find the memories and he saved your life at the hotel. We owe him a lot."

"Where were all of the Jars?"

"The first one was with a group of angels, next Lizz had-"

"Lizz? Like Ruth's Lizz?"

"Yeah. She is dead now. Very Dead."

"What does that mean Dean?" He looked over at Sam, so did I. "Sam?"

"Let just say, Dean got all of your revenge for you by how he killed her."

A bit confused and relieved at the same time I redirected my attention towards Dean. "So where was the next jar?"

"In our old house in Lawrence."

"She really had you moving around."

"Yeah. The last jar Ruth had. Cas got it from her when we were in the hotel."

"Wow. That's crazy. Thank you guys for doing all of that. I'm sure it want easy."

"No it wasn't. But it was completely worth the trek." I didn't realize how much I had out them through. Going across the country to help me. I looked down at the tables playing with my thumbs trying to gather everything.

"So like was I still with Ruth at this time?"

"Yeah. You were with Ruth for over two months. Seeing you in the hotel was the first time we saw you."

My mind was trying to retain everything they told me. Two months. I couldn't believe it. I but them threw so much.

Dean kept starring at me and Sam starring at Bobby. Constant awkwardness around the table. "Hey do you guys mind if I take a walk outside? Just need a little break, gotta clear my head from this headache-"

I stood up and Sam and Dean stood up and started walking with me.

"Now now, I can walk myself. Just found out 18 now. If I know my age correctly that means I'm a big girl-"

"Like hell you are walking alone. I need to watch you. You just got back."


"Emily no. We are walking with you. Just stop arguing with me. I need to be with you."

"Well right now I'm trying to wrap my head around all the shit I out you guys in. It's a lot. I feel horrible."


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