Chapter 5

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Ally watched as the girl frustratedly clicked on some random keys on her calculator. She would occasionally scratch her head in confusion and sometimes, Ally would catch her loving eyes on Camila. She was doing a great job as usual, serving food to hungry customers and easily getting into small talks. Ally was always grateful to have such a great friend and employee. Although today, Camila would occasionally steal glances on Lauren. Sometimes even walking towards her table and handing her some coffee.

"Camila, your shift's down. Get out of here, Lauren's waiting." Ally called out as Camila put in some money on the register. She took the tips and put it in her wallet.

"I didn't work yesterday, I should work longer today."

"No Camila, you only work later on Mondays.. it's fine, go home, I insist." The weather was still as bad as yesterday's and Camila jumped at the sound of a thunderstorm. Lauren was focusing on her math problem but as soon as she realized that a certain brown eyed girl was scared of thunderstorms, she dropped her pen and looked at her to check if she was alright. Camila smiled at the gesture, Lauren remembered. She nodded to tell her she was alright and Lauren let out a breath of relief.

"She knows you're scared of thunders?" Ally asked, smirking widely.

"Yeah.. she drove me home once when it was raining cats and dogs." Camila explained as she gathered her stuff.

"Lo?" Camila called out and like a puppy who heard their master's voice, Lauren turned her head around quickly and gave her a huge grin.

"Let's go.." Camila said as she put the straps of her bag on her shoulders. She hugged Ally goodbye and headed towards the door. Lauren followed suit. As usual, Lauren opened the door for the pair, By surprise, Camila held her hand as she moved closer beside Lauren. Her heart was beating in an irrational speed but Lauren was feeling beyond ecstatic. She intertwined their hands and pulled Camila inside her embrace.

"We're gonna be okay, okay? The storm can't hurt you." Lauren whispered as she took out her key and unlocked her car. She put Camila's hoodie up and held her hand tight once more.

"Actually.. we can get struck by lightning. It's an actual thing." Camila countered.

"Yes.. but I made a pact with Zeus, I will kick his ass if he mess with you." Lauren cheekily replied.

"You know that you just threatened a Greek God right? He can kill us both right now."

"Actually, I'm friends with him. Percy Jackson and I are siblings." Camila laughed and Lauren swore she felt something different when she heard the sound of her joyous laughter. Although, she wasn't quite sure what it was. They both ran towards her car and Lauren opened the door for Camila. Once they were both settled in the car, Camila watched as Lauren prepared the car for the journey.

"Here.." Camila said as she took out a muffin from inside a brown bag that was in her bag. Lauren stared at it as if it was something foreign and took it hesitantly.

"For me?"

"Yeah.. you must be starving. I asked the chef if I could bake it myself so... I hope you like it." Lauren was sure she'd like anything Camila made, she was whipped as heck. She took a bite on the chocolate chip banana muffin and moaned at the taste. Goddamn, it was scrumptious.

"Mila.. damn, this is-"

"Don't talk while you chew." Camila scolded, and Lauren quickly finished her muffin.

"Yum." Camila wiped the chocolate off her lips and Lauren closed her eyes, enjoying Camila's touch on her lips. Camila then took out her phone to take a picture of the adorable view across her. Lauren smiled widely for the camera, making Camila laugh.

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