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[year 17]




"when will you go home?"

"dunno, day after tomorrow?"

"i have a very selfish thought right now. wanna hear?"

"what's it?"

"well, see the thing is, i can't reach anyone until now. you know clearly that i want to, but i can't. i just can't, i'm sorry. so, maybe, can you like," i paused, "let me to go to your studio tonight? i promise as soon as i'm done i will go home immediately. please?"

"no. don't come, just stay there."

"oh." tears start running down when i exhaled my breathe. rejection always hurt, especially for the first time i received it, "okay. see you on 2 days then. it's already midnight, you should sleep. g'nite?"

"...yeah," there was a pause as i heard the sound of paper rustling, he indeed was busy, "g'night."


i curled up on the couch while hugging my big brown teddy bear (a so called present from him, though he won it from a claw machine on timezone) when ogi woke me up with his arm around my waist.

"i'm home."

"huh?" i said, when he removed the teddy bear from my embrace and replaced it with him, so  now i saw his face right in front of me instead, "why are you here?"

"to make your selfish thought comes true."

"i thought you are busy? you said that i can't come to your studio." i laced my fingers with his while i mumbled, "and you never said no before..."

"i'm sorry," he kissed my forehead, "it's dangerous to let you came alone when it was already midnight. you never asked to come around midnight before, so i never said no."

"hmm. i'm sorry too," i said after saw the time on his watch, "shouldn't have make you come home."

he rolled his eyes, "why can't my wife say anything to make me come home?"

"it's almost 2 AM in the morning, gi."

he hummed, "honestly tho, you need me. well, technically, you need my hug. am i right or am i right?"

"yeah, yeah. you're right," i said while hugged him back and kissed his chin, "thank you."

"anytime, love," i chuckled when he said that, "feeling better?"

i nodded and then he kissed my nose, "feeling warm too."

"wanna tell me now? or in the morning? should we get to bed or you are already feeling so lazy to move?"

"morning, please. i'm so exhausted. i was crying till i passed out i don't have any energy left," i said. he traced my tear-streaked face with his fingers that made me felt so sleepy, "and 'm too lazy to move."

"alrite," he tighten his hug and kissed my lips softly, "g'nite."

i nuzzled to his chest and hummed an unclear goodnight too, "oh, gi."


"welcome home.

aku, kamu, bicaraWhere stories live. Discover now