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6 years ago.


"navigation is never been my strong suit and you say it's okay--you will always find me nevertheless."


it was a cold night. she shivered as she was at the station waiting her delayed train to bring her home. rain was pouring so hard with thunders in every 10 minutes and she flinched every time the thunder struck. everyone chatted loudly there while she put her headphone and set the volume high.

the night wasn't quiet but she felt lonely.

she felt the anxiousness started to embrace her again, made the night more colder than it was. she closed her eyes and breathe, one, two, three, one, two, three. her mind went to the occurence that happened 5 hours ago--when she felt glad that he asked her to come home, when the anxiousness didn't knock her door yet, when she didn't felt like losing her way because what should i do when i arrive there?

her first option was going back to her place, but it would make her wanted to take some steps back again after all the steps she took forward. her second option was to tell him that she was back, but what was going to happen after that? would he meet her or what? did he want to meet her that soon or should she wait for another day(s)?

she didn't even ask him if he waited her there--or anywhere. he just asked her to come home, but he didn't say that he would be there. there was still no certainty and it made her felt anxious.

when the anxiousness started to slip back to her place, her train finally came but the old woman who sat beside her on the floor said it didn't depart until 30 minutes later. she thanked her as she put her headphone back to her ear then watching many people came out from the train, thankfully she rode the last train so it was less packed--she couldn't handle anymore crowd when her thoughts already crowded enough.

she always thought that her life was a boring one--if she excluded her stupidness over some things that she did. so when her phone rang with his name in it she only had two thoughts before she answered it. her heart was beating so loud she couldn't hear him properly, that or he was actually at a crowded place because his voice didn't audible enough though she used a headphone.

but she heard him anyway. he asked where was she and she answered she was at the station, waiting her train to come home. then he asked where exactly, and she answered the station name. after that he asked again urgently i know but fucking exactly where, and she raised her eyebrows because what did you feel so mad for. then he rushed her to just fucking answer before your train departs and she sighed because when he wanted to do something quickly he often rushed everyone and his mouth filter tended to break loose, so she answered him that i'm between a blue vending machine and an old woman with red jacket and he ended the call after he told her to wait and don't go fucking anywhere i'm too tired to find and chase you again.

and she waited. though there were so many things that were going on on her head. did he say find me? did he really go to find me?

she always thought that her life was a boring one, so she immediately looked up when she saw a pair of familiar shoes in front of her without another thought, then her mind went blank when she found a familiar face too.

he was in front her, with his favorite cap and jacket, holding out his hand for her to hold with a small smile on his face. she hold his hand while he pulled her to stand up then hugged her briefly before he squeezed her hand lightly--an assurance that he was really there because she seemed like still processing his presence right in front of her.

when she accepted that yes she wasn't dreaming, she asked him why he was here and not that i'm complaining but why didn't you wait for me there instead of searching for me here. but he laughed as he placed his hand on her small back and said 'm tired of waiting and i told you before i will always find you, didn't i?

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