Chapter 19

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All at once, my heart fell. Of course Kronx had noticed us! It was next to impossible to hide anything from the placid dark blue dragon. He seemed to know everything; was aware of everything.

Carefully, I observed him, looking for any signs of the rage that I had seen first hand only moments ago. But as always, the ancient drake gave nothing away as he stared at us icily.

Shuffling uneasily, I lowered my head guiltily. 

"I've never seen anything like it," quipped Rutilus, golden eyes shining with admiration. But I could see his tail twitch nervously, anxious that the dark blue dragon could turn his wrath towards us. After a moment's hesitation, he added, "I wish I was able to see it again."

"I would rather you do not," Kronx rumbled, but did not offer an explanation. Instead, instead he just watched both of us with an unreadable expression.

With a sigh, I turned away and rested my head on my talons. It was impossible not to wonder why the ancient dragon would prefer if we never saw such a fight again. Did he not want us to fight that well? No, that wasn't right. If he did not want us to be able to defend ourselves and win a battle, he would not have Rutilus and I sparring so frequently.

Maybe it was because he knew that if we were to see a fight again, it would be against him and another dragon. A dangerous dragon. The Dragon King, perhaps? Or even Argon - the dragon whom Amaroth had mentioned. Regardless, it would probably be for similar reason today. Even though... Why had Kronx been fighting the white and blue dragon? Why would he?

Curious, I kept watching Kronx. Asking why would only ever give me a vague answer. But maybe...

"Who is Amaroth, anyways?"

Kronx stiffened, swinging his massive head towards me. Both silver eyes stared at me intently, and I resisted the urge to shrink away. "One of the Dragon King's imperials," his voice was quiet, reluctant to give anything away. But upon noticing my confusion and surprise, he added blearily, "And yes, Argon - the dragon that Amaroth mentioned, is the Dragon King."

No wonder Kronx had reacted so. From what I had seen yesterday, and again today, the dark blue dragon held grudge against Argon. As much as I wanted to know what had happened between the two, I knew better than to ask. Perhaps someday he would tell us. Whenever he deemed us ready. 

"Should we continue to spar?" I asked the dark blue drake, flicking my tail towards Rutilus. Hissing quietly, the bright red dragon shuffled nervously as Kronx swung his head around to stare at him. 

But my question might as well have been ignored. The ancient dragon did not answer, instead staring through us as though we were not there. Knowing that it would probably be hours before he said another word, I slipped into the water. 

Warmth encompassed me. Content, I stretched my wings out, easing that faint burn in my throat that I had quickly learned to ignore. From the corner of my eye, I could see Rutilus glancing at the glowing water, contemplating whether he should hop in or not. 

With an anxious glance towards Kronx, the bright red drake took a hesitant step towards me. 

But that was as far as he made it. 

""Someday, he will come after me himself," the dark blue drake rumbled, as though that statement was factual. Rutilus froze in his tracks, staring up at the older dragon with an unreadable expression on his face. One that did not go unnoticed by the dark blue dragon, but was not questioned.

Kronx blinked, the faint click echoing through the cavern. I could have sworn that sorrow flashed across his dreamy silver eyes.  In a deep, monotone voice, he added, "You can not be here when he does."

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