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The movie began with us mostly just holding hands and laughing at the cheesy parts,but eventually we made eye contact and just stayed there for a long time.

Jaeden broke the eye contact and reached his hand into the bucket on popcorn,pulling out a handful. He took one peice and put it in my mouth with a quiet giggle,then looked back at the movie screen.

When the movie ended,we walked out hand in hand.


When we walked out of the theater,we had gotten halfway down the sidewalk when what he said earlier hit me strait in the face.

Wyatt is going home to a father that doesn't love him for who he is.

As we walk,I noticed something on his neck,a bruise. Not just an ordinary bruise,not a hicky or something...a bruise.

"Wyatt? Did he do that to you?" I asked pointing to his injury.
"Don't worry about me,I'm fine."
"No,tell me the truth. Did he do that to you?"
He sighed and bit his lip.

"Yes,he did." "Wyatt! You could've told me!" I yelled. He looked down at his shoes as tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm sorry for yelling I just really don't want you to be hurt like that." He continued to look down. "Well since I'm gonna Be with you for a few days,I'll protect you." I said. He looked up at me. "Jaeden you don't have to-" "Wyatt,i love you. I don't want you to get hurt." He smiled and kissed my cheek gently.

When we arrived at his house,I was getting ready to hug him and go back home so I could pack. But we heard a bang. We looked at eachother with scared faces for a few seconds then back at the house.

We ran to the door and opened it to see his mom on the floor,and who i was certain was his dad had his hands balled up into tight fists.


I can't take this. Why would he do that to her? He married that woman and now he's pushing her to the ground.

I walked up to him with rage and stood in front of him. He walked closer to me with burning fire in his devilish eyes. "Get out of here." I said in his face. "What's that son?" "I said get out of here! Go to the bar or something,I don't care! Just leave my mom alone!" "Ain't nobody gonna tell me to leave my wife alone!" "She's barley your wife anymore! Look what you have done! You are tearing this family apart,now go!" I yelled. He stormed out. I know he's coming back soon,but at least we are safe for now. Me and Jaeden ran to my mom and sat next to her.

"Momma,are you okay? I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I should've been here earlier I just-"
"This isn't your fault honey! It's his fault! Don't blame it on yourself, I'm okay. Just upset." We helped her up. "Hey Jaeden honey,how are you? How was the movie guys?" "It was funny. Jaeden kept putting popcorn in my mouth though." We laughed. "Oh and you guys should go to Jaedens and pack for the next few days." We nodded and Jaeden gathered his stuff. "Guys,I will protect you. Don't worry about him,just act natural around him and don't respond to him,he will leave." She said sympathetically. "Thanks mom,I love you." I said as we left.


"Okay,I think that's good enough for clothes. Now what else should I take..." I mumbled as I packed,Wyatt looking around at random things. I grabbed a hair comb and two pairs of shoes and shoved them in the tiny suitcase.

I zipped up the bag and smiled. Me and Wyatt walked down stairs each holding a side of the suitcase. We put it down when we reached the floor and I walked to my mom.

"Goodbye mom,see you in five days." I hugged her. "Goodbye honey. Have a good time on set." She said with a warm smile. I walked out with my bag rolling behind me.

"I think we should protect her,not let her protect us." Wyatt said after a few moments of silence. "I feel bad for not thinking about where your dad was. I wish I could've known-" "it wouldn't make a difference Jae,he comes back every time he leaves." "Well,we need to find out how to make him leave forever." "Yeah." We start thinking.

"Sometimes I wonder why that hasn't happened yet."

Then it hit me.

"Wyatt!" "What? I'm right here you don't have to yell." He joked.

"She is scared."
"What do you mean?"
"She is scared to get a divorce because he might hurt her. We need to protect her yes,but we also need her to defend herself."
He smiles as a thought pops into his head.
"She's not weak,but she seems weak around him,we can fix that." He frowns all of the sudden. "We are kids,will she listen to us?" I frown as well. "We will have to find out. It's all for a good reason though,we will tell her that. I'm not gonna let you guys live with that. You guys are amazing people,he doesn't deserve to see your pain." He smiles slightly and holds my hand.

We arrive at his house and run up to his room.
We sit down and I put my suitcase in the corner of the room. I sit next to him and he grabs my hand once again.

"For what?"
"Even bothering to talk to me,being my friend,caring about me,all of it. Especially helping me with my parents,I never had anyone that cared about me as much as you except my mom. Everything,Thanks for all of it."
I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"You little tease." He said. He kissed my lips passionately for a few seconds and pulled away with a smile.

"Let's put our plan into action." He said.
"I'm gonna call it 'project oleff'."

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