🎤 Part 1 - The Concert Night 🎤

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It was 5:00 in the evening. Myung was at her apartment getting ready for a concert. This was a special concert since her favorite kpop group was playing, F4EVER. They were a group made up of seven members and they debuted in 2012. There were playing at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. It was perfect for Myung, and what's better is that she was able to get a hold of VIP tickets and a backstage pass. She felt so lucky to be able to see them perform so close! Myung wore her F4EVER sweatshirt with a black skirt and finished it off with black Converse. Myung couldn't wait anymore. She took her handbag and keys, then she ran straight out the door to her car.

It took about an hour to get to the venue, but it was worth it. Myung was escorted backstage and she sat in a chair directly next to the stage. She waited. Then, the show was about to start. "Please welcome...F4EVER!!!" the loudspeaker shouted. Myung could hear the fans screaming and cheering. Their hands raised and the official F4EVER lightstick illuminated across the audience. The guys walked past Myung to the stage. One of the members, Joon, had actually glanced at Myung. He smirked and kept walking. Myung immediately panicked, but she felt better once the music started playing. She watched them from backstage and couldn't help but sing along.

It was about 10:00 now. F4EVER had sang their biggest hits and the concert was ending soon. Myung yawned, and went back to singing. "Please give a hand to F4EVER!!! Forever Loving!!" the loudspeaker exclaimed. The guys bowed and walked off the stage. The fans started to slowly leave and the spotlights dimmed. Myung stood up and stretched. That was just amazing. I can't wait until I get to see them next time!! She smiled happily and started to walk out. "WAIT!! Excuse me miss!" a voice shouted. Myung turned around. It was Joon! "Hi there. I'm Kim Lee-Joon, otherwise known as my stage name, Joon, but you know that already." He stared at Myung's VIP pass and laughed. Myung's face immediately went red. OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! JOON IS TALKING TO ME! "What's your name?" he asked. She cleared her throat. "Myung. Cheong Myung. I'm a huge fan of yours." Myung tried not to freak out. "Nice to meet you Myung! Let's take a walk." Joon smiled at her. Myung's breathing intensified.

An hour passed, Myung and Joon spent their time talking and getting to know each other, even though Myung knew a lot about him already. "Wow, I've met many fans and they're usually the same: committed and over-the-top, but I still love them. You're different." He nudged her elbow. "Heh, yeah. I use to be like that when you guys first debuted." Myung chuckled. She checked her phone. It was 11:28 PM. "Oh wow, it's already 11." she said. They both looked at each other. "I should go before the guys call security to find me." he laughed. Before Myung turned around to leave, Joon grabbed her shoulder, "Oh, and one more thing...", she looked up at him. He suddenly pushed her against the wall, not harshly though. His arms trapped her from moving. He slowly held her chin with his hand. Then, he gave a card to her. After she took the card, Joon backed away slowly.

Myung was rattled, but she looked at the card. His number. "You're an interesting person, and I want to talk to you more." he smiled again. "The guys and I aren't leaving until this weekend. We should have dinner...How about this Friday? Call me tomorrow night when you have your answer." He walked away, but he shot a wink at her. "See you soon."

That night in bed, Joon was all that Myung could think about. She eventually fell asleep...still holding his card.



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