💕 Part 14 - For You 💕

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Well, I mean, it's not wrong. Joon already moved on and he's with someone. So why shouldn't I be? Myung thought to herself. She has been thinking about her feelings for Jae. Were they true? Did she still have feelings for Joon? She did, but after seeing Nari with Joon, it hurt Myung. I am an independent woman. I can be with whoever I desire! Myung stood up and got dressed. Today was the day that Jae would help her look for a job.

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They met up at a restaurant not too far from Myung's apartment. It was noon, so lunchtime! After ordering food and drinks, Jae went on to say, "Let's start off with what interests you." But before Myung could say anything, a group of highschool girls approached Jae. "OH MY GOSH, IT IS JAE PAK!!"one of them squealed. "DID YOU SEE THE LAST DRAMA HE WAS IN?? IT WAS TO DIE FOR!!" another one screeched. All of them handed Jae their notebooks. "CAN WE GET AN AUTOGRAPH, JAE??!!" they all freaked out in unison. He hesitated, but did so. After finishing, the group of girls ran away, screaming. "Why didn't you tell me you were a famous actor?" Myung asked as she sipped her water. Jae simply shrugged. "Didn't think it was important. Most of my 'friends' are just friends with me because I'm famous. It was nice to finally meet someone who didn't know who I was." he smirked. Myung's heart started to beat faster.

"So, what interests you Myung?" Jae asked again. By this time, their food had finally arrived. Before taking a bite out of her noodles, Myung said, "I actually have a degree in law. I've always wanted to be a lawyer, but there weren't many job opportunities." Jae nodded with interest. As he chewed on his noodles, he gasped. "THAT'S PERFECT!!" I know just what to do!" he yelped. Myung was confused. "What are you going to do?" she asked. "Well, the Pak Company is in need of lawyers. So, it's perfect for you." he finally said. This peaked Myung's interest. "My father's company has a group of lawyers to deal with lawsuits and anything pertaining to our company. One of the lawyers in the group got fired, so there is an opening for you."

Myung thought about it. "Why did that last person get fired....?" she asked, nervously. "Uhh...." Jae was hesitant with his answer. "My father had some problems with him, but no worries. Since I recommended you, I'm sure my father will take you in consideration."

Well, there's nothing else I could do. And how hard can it be? All I need to do is give a good impression in front of Jae's father, and do my best with the group of lawyers. "I'll do it!!" she shouted. Jae started to laugh. "Alright, cool. I'll let my father know and we'll set up an interview." Myung nodded with agreement. As they walked outside after finishing up their lunch, Myung broke the silence "I just wanted to thank you for this. I probably would've been homeless if it wasn't for you." Without hesitation and before Jae could say anything, Myung placed a kiss on Jae's cheek. Afterwards, Myung immediately regretted her decision. "Uh, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to do that. It w-was a friendly gesture, heh." she got flustered and she didn't know what to do. Myung turned around to leave, but Jae grabbed her arm. He pulled her and held her closely against his chest. He then kissed her. Myung was in awe, but she closed her eyes and savored the moment. It was soft and passionate. She just wanted them to stay like that forever.

As they stood there in each other's arms, someone was watching them. From around the corner, there stood Joon. With his phone in his hand, a call that was with Nari. Whatever they were talking about, he stopped. "Joon? Joon? Hello....?" the little voice from the phone asked. Joon didn't say anything. He stared at Myung and Jae, with tears in his eyes.



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