💔 Part 19 - What Can I Do? 💔

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He waited. For what was hours seemed like years. But he waited.

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It was the 6th hour since Myung went into surgery. Ever since then, Joon has waited. It was already getting dark out. Joon and Rin were waiting outside of the surgery room. A few minutes later, the rest of the guys came in. "Hyung! We got your message! We came as fast as we could!" Jin-hyuk huffed, out of breath. "What happened?" Tae-suk asked. That is when Rin slowly slipped to the ground and started bawling. Jung-hoon immediately ran to her side, and hugged her tightly.

Suddenly, one of the doctors walked out of the surgery room. "IS SHE OKAY?!" Joon yelped at the doctor, wide-eyed and panicked. "Yes, the surgery was a success. Her heart had stopped due to the extreme trauma her body received, but we were able to start it back up again. It's a miracle." the doctor said, smiling.

Joon had no words to describe how happy he was. He laughed and hugged the doctor. Everyone cheered and gave each other hugs. "Now, don't celebrate too early. She still needs to heal. She has a long journey ahead of her." he finally said. "Thank you so much, sir. You don't know how happy I am right now." Joon smiled so big that his dimples were showing. Everyone was happy, and it seemed as if nothing could go wrong from there.

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Later on, while everyone was in the waiting room, Jin-hyuk pulled Joon to the side. "So, what's the situation with Nari? Are they going to arrest her?" he asked, concerned. Joon sighed. "Jae gave me an update on this yesterday. His father called the best attorneys to defend Nari, but even he knows that she's at fault. They're just trying not to get this released to the public." Jin-hyuk nodded.

"We should go, Joon. We have a performance tomorrow, remember?" Jin-hyuk said. Joon didn't like it, but he nodded. What else can I do right now if Myung is just in a coma? "Don't worry, we'll come back soon." They joined with everyone else, and left the hospital.

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Jae was in the car, being escorted to his home. He looked at his phone, scrolling through various picture of Myung. I miss her. I hope she's okay. A tear slowly trickled down his cheek. He sniffed and wiped the tear away. As long I know she's being taken care of, I'll be fine. He shut off his phone, and stared out the window. I just wished I could've said goodbye to her. His eyes started to close, and it seems as if his concerns washed away as well.

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The next day, after finishing up preparing for the performance, Joon wanted nothing but to visit Myung afterwards. Before Joon prepared to go up on stage, Hyungsik called for him. "HYUNG! The manager wants to talk with you real quick." he said. Joon nodded, and headed to the dressing room. He walked into the room, seeing his manager sitting on the couch. "You wanted to talk with me sir?" Joon asked. "Yes, it's about Myung."

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At the hospital, the two people walked in, rushing to the nearest nurse. "We need to see a patient. Her name is Cheong Myung. Please let us see her!!" the woman said. "Alright, are you related to the patient?" the nurse asked. "We're her parents." the man said.



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