🚙 Part 7 - Tour Trip 🚙

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While packing, Myung had received a voice message from Joon.

"Hello my darling!~ I just wanted to let you know that we must travel separately. I know, it's sad. Our manager said that all of us must be together, and there's no room in the van for you and Rin. So Jung-hoon called Rin and she agreed to drive you both to Seoul. Do not fret! We will see each other soon. Alright, I got to go. Love you!"

The message ended. Myung smiled stupidly at herself. She finished packing and waited outside for Rin.

A black car pulled up on the curb and Rin emerged from the driver's seat. "Let's go!! The guys already headed out!" Myung scurried to the car and put her luggage in the trunk. She sat in the passenger seat and they drove on to Seoul.

Two hours had passed. Rin shook Myung violently. "WAKE UP!!" Myung woke up, frightened. "WHAT HAPPENED?!? ARE WE GONNA DIE?!?" Rin pointed at Myung and laughed. "We're here...in SEOUL!!" she cheered and shook her arms in the air.

Later, Jung-hoon had previously texted Rin the place where the guys were staying at. It was a large hotel, so the girls decided to buy a separate room that was beneath the guys' room. After unpacking, Myung called Joon. The phone immediately picked up.

"Rin and I took another room. It's one floor beneath you guys." she said.

"Why didn't you just join us? Like, on the same floor?" he questioned.

"It's because all the rooms on your floor were already taken!"

"Aw, that sucks. Well, the guys and I have to go to a photoshoot. I hope to see you soon! Love you!" he chuckled.

"Bye! Love you too!" she hung up.

Myung looked over at Rin. She was also in a call with Jung-hoon. They decided to call it a night, and went to sleep.

The next day, it was planned that everyone would meet up and they would go shopping at the nearby plaza. The girls got ready and headed downstairs. They waited until the guys showed up. Once they came, they took off to the plaza!

They first went to an antique store. "Wow! Look at this, hyung!" Tae-suk had a statue of an elephant in his hands. He held it for Sung-won to look at. "Put that down! You might break something!" Jin-hyuk yelped. Sung-won just shrugged and looked around. Myung was with Rin until she ran off to be with Jung-hoon. She then felt lonely, so she looked for Joon. She heard a familiar voice and she turned around the corner. Myung stopped. She saw Ji-woon tackling Joon. They'll break something if they keep playing around like that. Then Myung thought, What if Joon finds out about Ji-woon's feelings for me? What will he do to Ji-woon? What will happen then? Myung shook her head to get the negative thoughts out of her mind. But deep down, she knew she had to do something.

Later, Joon had caught up with Myung and presented her with a gift. She reluctantly opened it. It was a pearl bracelet. "I got it from the store." He smiled at her. "Oh my gosh! Thank you! I love it!" Myung planted a kiss on him and put the bracelet around her wrist.

Later that night, the guys had already headed out to their first venue. They insisted that the girls stay in tonight. Rin suddenly approached Myung. She handed her a box. "It's from Ji-woon. He wanted me to give it to you." Myung took the box. When she opened it, she gasped. It was a silver necklace. Also from the same store. Myung frowned. Oh Ji-woon. "Look, I don't know why he gave it to you, but let me just say, remember who you're loyal to." Rin said. Myung looked at the necklace and the bracelet. I have to do something. It's the only way. A tear slowly trickled down her cheek.



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