💧 Part 15 - Am I Wrong? 💧

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Myung was feeling awfully giddy after that moment with Jae. Though it's been a few days after it happened, Myung was glad that she was finally with someone again. Wow, I haven't felt this way since- She stopped. Her mood dampened once again. She sighed, but thought about Jae again. Before hitting the shower, Myung received a text. She looked at her phone and gasped. Jin-hyuk?! Why would he be texting me....? Myung read the text.

< Hey Myung. I hope you're not busy tomorrow. We need to talk about something. I'll head over to your place at noon. >

Why so sudden? Myung thought. She quickly replied, "OK", and headed into the shower.

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The next day, Myung cleaned up her apartment for Jin-hyuk's visit. I don't know what he wants to talk about, but it's nice to see him again. While wiping the table, the doorbell rang. Myung ran to the door and opened it. "Hey Myung!" Jin-hyuk smiled at her. His hair was dark brown, and messy, but it still looked nice. He wore a black hoodie with denim jeans and paired it with Puma sneakers. He gave Myung a bouquet of flowers. "For your apartment." he said. "Thank you so much. Please, come in!" she said.

Jin-hyuk and Myung settled in the kitchen table. With a cup of tea in each of their hands, Jin-hyuk began to talk. "So, I heard you're with someone now." he sipped his tea. Myung choked a little. She hasn't told anyone that she was with Jae. "Uh, yeah. How did you know?" Jin chuckled under his breath. "Jae Pak is a very well-known actor in Korea. Pictures of you two are in every newscast and magazine I know of." He laughed again, a bit louder. Myung turned red. Sometimes I forget that he's a famous actor. "So, is that why you came here? To judge my boyfriend?" Myung playfully punched Jin-hyuk. "Ha ha, no, no. I'm here to talk about Joon." That broke the laughter into immediate silence.

"He saw you a few days ago. Outside of your apartment with Jae. Kissing, I believe." Jin-hyuk spoke in a lower tone. Myung gulped. What?? He saw me?! "Let's just say that afterwards, he was not happy." That's when it hit Myung. "Why would he care? He's with someone too!" she pouted. Jin-hyuk sighed. "You know I care about my hyung, and I care about you too. It's still such a shame that you two separated. The wounds have healed, but the scars are still there." he said. "It was the best thing for the both of us. It wouldn't have worked out since Ji-woon also had feelings for me." Myung sharply replied.

"I'm just saying, I don't think Joon is completely over you. Sure, he's with someone, but he doesn't treat her like he treated you." Jin-hyuk sipped his tea again. They sat in silence for a while.

Suddenly, Jin-hyuk spoke again. "Remember that time when I had told you two to clean out Joon's room, but you guys just ended up fooling around? Aiyaa, you guys got in so much trouble that time." he chuckled. Myung smiled. "Yeah. You hit our heads with your books. Then Joon started arguing with you. That was fun." They both chuckled.

Later, it was time for Jin-hyuk to leave. "Look, Myung, I'm just saying you should....think about things first. Ji-woon is pretty much over you and Joon still loves you. But if you're really happy with Jae, then you can move on with him." After he said that, Jin-hyuk left.

That night, Myung had countless things running through her mind. Oh, I do like Jae. I like him a lot.... But I can't comprehend if I still have feelings for Joon. Do I? Did I rush into the relationship with Jae just to get over Joon? Oh, I don't know what to do anymore.... She laid in her bed and sat there until she fell asleep.

Joon laid in his bed and cried until he fell asleep.



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