💐 Part 18 - Come Back Home 💐

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Joon and the guys drove to the hospital as fast as they could. It's been two days since the accident and Joon couldn't wait to see Myung. When they entered the building, Joon was greeted by Jae. They stared at each other for a while. Suddenly, Joon stuck his hand out. " Thank you for telling me about Myung." Jae grabbed his hand and shook it. "May I talk to you in private?" he asked. Joon nodded, and told the other guys to go to the waiting room.

"What is it?" Joon asked. Jae took a letter out of his pocket. "Please give this to Myung when she wakes up." Jae handed him the letter. Joon took it and looked at it. It was a crisp, light blue envelope. On the front, it wrote, "To Myung" in cursive handwriting. "What is this?" Joon looked at him, perplexed. Jae sighed. "The Pak family is moving. Since Nari is wanted for questioning, they wanted to make it as private as possible since this could hurt our reputation. We're moving into our new building that just opened in Goyang, so that will be our new main headquarters. I might not come back for a while, so I wanted to say my goodbyes to Myung." he pointed at the letter. "We'll be moving tomorrow night. This is the last time I'll see her." Before Jae turned to leave, he said one last thing to Joon, "Take care of her, will ya?" he smiled.

Joon would never forget the look on Jae's face when he left. Joon felt sorry and thought about his feelings. He thought, What if I was in his shoes right now? The thought of being forced to leave Myung pierced through his mind. It made his heart ache.

Joon couldn't help but feel empathy for Jae. He would make sure the letter got to Myung. Realizing his hyungs were waiting, he left for the waiting room. He entered the room and spoke to Jin-hyuk. "So, what did they say? Can we see her?" Joon was anxious. Jin-hyuk held his shoulder. "They're doing a few checkups on her but we'll be able to see her in an hour at least. Just be patient hyung." he said in a reassuring voice. Joon nodded and sat down.

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Joon fell asleep and dreamt of Myung. Distant memories of being with her flashed through his mind. Though he felt sad that Jae was leaving, he also couldn't help but feel relief flow through him. No more obstacles, he thought. He didn't want to seem selfish, but he liked the idea of having Myung all to himself.

"Hyung! Wake up! We can see Myung now." Joon woke up to the sound of Jung-hoon's voice. He gathered his thoughts and went back to reality.

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Myung's room was the last one at the end of the hall. Everyone was nervous. Joon was the one who opened the door. What he saw took away his breath. Myung was lying there, various tubes sprouting out of her. Her heart monitor was the only noise present and her breathing...so slow and paced. It hurt Joon to see her like this. She doesn't deserve this. Everyone gathered around her bed. She wasn't awake, but they felt obligated to stay with her, especially Joon.

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Two hours passed, and Myung was still in the same position. It was already evening and the guys were tired. The nurse opened the door. "I'm sorry guys, it's time to leave. You can visit her again tomorrow." she didn't wait for an answer, but simply held the door open. "C'mon hyung, we'll come back tomorrow." Jin-hyuk tugged Joon's shirt. He nodded, and one by one, they each exited the room. The nurse closed the door and the room was empty again.

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The next morning, Joon and Rin were the only ones to go visit Myung since the other guys were busy. They brought a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear. "I hope she'll wake up soon." Rin said as she furrowed her brows. Joon simply nodded. The thought her waking up would be a miracle to him. Rin slipped her arms around Joon's. Not in a romantic way, but a comforting way. Their loved one who may or may not wake up is lying in a hospital bed, and they are simply in the same boat with this situation.

They walked to Myung's room. The door slowly crept open as Rin opened it. They sat on opposite ends of Myung's bed. "I don't know how long this will take. When will she wake up? I miss her so badly." Joon gritted his teeth, refusing to cry. "Hey," Rin held up the teddy bear, "We have to be patient. Myung is strong and we have to believe in her and that she will heal and eventually wake up." Joon wiped his eyes, "You're right." They sat in silence for a while.

Suddenly, Myung's heart monitor stopped. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! Joon jumped up and screamed, "NO MYUNG!!! NOOOO!!" he shook Myung's weightless body. "WAKE UP!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!! NOOO!!!" Rin then bolted out the door to get a doctor. Joon's face was flooded with tears as he slowly fell to the ground, holding Myung's hand. Four doctors rushed into the room and started taking their gear out. A nurse pulled onto Joon, "Sir, you must leave, I'm sorry." Joon screamed, "MYUNG!!!! PLEASE BRING HER BACK!!!" After pulling Joon out, the nurse closed the door, the sound echoing throughout the hallway.



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