✉ Part 21 - The Letter ✉

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Six months have passed.

Myung had awoken from her coma and is slowly healing from her injuries. She is getting better every day, and as promised, Joon, the guys, and Rin would visit her everyday. Most of the times, it would just be Joon. Myung's parents also stayed in a nearby hotel and came to visit frequently as well.

But, Joon was dreading this moment since Myung fell into her coma. Unfortunately, he had no choice. He had to do it. He had to tell her. Joon decided to tell Myung when she was officially released from the hospital.

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Joon was sitting by Myung's bed as she munched on her strawberry jello. "The doctor said I might be able to go home soon. I've been doing pretty good with the physical therapy the past few days!" she exclaimed. Joon looked at her as she smiled. Deep inside, he was hurting. "Oh, I needed to give you something," he said. Joon shuffled through his bag and pulled out a crisp, light blue letter. "Jae gave this to me when you were in your coma." Myung took the letter and examined it. "Why didn't he just give it to me himself?" she asked Joon with a concerned look on her face. Joon's face was expressionless.

"Um, well you see, he left." Joon finally said. "What do you mean 'left'??" Myung asked in a stern voice. "Just read the letter. I have to go to practice." Joon stood up and grabbed his bag. "I'll come back tomorrow. Bye." he waved and left the room. Myung looked at the letter that was addressed to her. She ripped open the letter and unfolded the paper. The letter read:


Hello, Myung. It's Jae. By the time you've read this letter, I am probably long gone by then. I have moved to Goyang with my family due to Nari's actions. Who knows if I'll ever come visit again, but if not, I just wanted to say my goodbyes to you. Remember the first time we met? My basketball knocked you out and you almost killed me because you thought I did 'dirty' things to you while you were unconscious. It was funny. Ever since I met you that day, I have never stopped thinking about you. When you agreed to date me, I was speechless and that was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I loved you so much. You are so beautiful, kind, generous, and I love everything about you. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for all my wrongdoings in the past. It saddens me that we left off on a bad note, and I am sorry for what Nari did. Her actions will not be forgiven and I hope you know that. I hope Joon is taking care of you. Though I loved you and the time we spent together, there were times where I thought you would've been better off with Joon. Myung, I will always love you and I will miss you dearly. I don't expect you to forgive me (especially Nari), but I wonder if you'll ever miss me.

P.S. Inside, there's a little gift for you. Hope you like it.


Jae Pak

Without must resist, tears fell from Myung's eyes. She didn't know what to think. Had she seen this coming? What would've happened if he stayed? Myung placed the letter next to her, and looked through the envelope for the so-called "gift" Jae put in there. Alas, Myung retrieved some folded up papers. She unfolded it, and revealed a restraining order against Nari. Myung couldn't help but laugh. She folded all the papers back into the envelope, and put it on the drawer next to her bed.

She laid down and tried to sleep. Jae Pak, the man who seemingly came out of nowhere after the breakup with Joon was certainly a person that Myung will never forget.

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Joon arrived at his manager's office since he had recently got called in. Joon walked in and right away, his manager sat up from his chair. "I got a call from the hospital. It seems that Myung will be released soon. Did you tell her yet?" he asked, crossing his arms. Joon sighed. "I'm waiting until she's released..." he said in a low tone. "You have to do it, Joon. For the other members, and for you as well. I hope you know that you're not the only one who has to cut ties with someone," Joon perked his head up in confusion. "Oh, I didn't tell you? Jung-hoon will being do the same with Rin." his manager finally said. Joon was shocked. But instead of arguing, Joon stayed quiet. He knew why his manager was doing what he was doing. "The idol life is not easy, you should know that Joon. You've been in this industry for a while. Some sacrifices have to be made in order to be successful. Please understand, Joon." Joon nodded, and made his way out of the office.

His manager spoke once again, "Things could change later in the future."



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