🌸 Part 10 - Lost 🌸

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Time has passed.... It has been exactly a year since the tragic breakup of Myung and Joon. Myung still stayed in South Korea, but she never passed by the guys' dorm. She still talked to the other members from time to time, but she tried to limit her communication with them, since they reminded her of the times she spent with Joon..

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The alarm went off. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Myung sluggishly turned it off. She slowly sat up and stretched. Another day. After washing herself off, she prepared her breakfast: toast and eggs. It has been a year.... The following weeks after the breakup, Myung spent all her time locked in her bedroom. She was either crying or sleeping. She turned off her phone and barely ate. An occasional bathroom break was necessary, but other than that, she never step foot outside of her apartment. It was until Rin paid a visit that made Myung realize what she was doing. It was a process, but Rin was able to get Myung out and about.

Myung was finishing her breakfast and she changed into her everyday clothes. She thought back on what Rin had told her on that day she visited her: "Remember, by cutting ties with Joon, you're kinda cutting ties with F4EVER too. Just think about things for a while." She was right. Myung sighed. She was so lost and she didn't know what to do. She knew that deep down in her heart that she still loved Joon. Myung took her bag and headed out to work.

Myung was waitressing at a restaurant nearby her apartment. Good thing the guys don't usually come here to eat. She got paid fairly and it was enough for rent. During her breaks, Myung would bust out her phone and look online for better jobs.

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Myung saw a customer walk in. It was girl, probably the same age as Myung. She picked up a menu and walked toward the girl. "Hello ma'am, would you like a table?" The girl looked at Myung and scoffed. "I'll get the one by the window." she said. Myung nodded, and escorted the girl to the table. She placed the menu on the table and smiled. "I'll be back to take your order." Myung said, politely. A few minutes later, Myung went to check on a girl. "Are you ready to order ma'am?" she asked. The girl nodded. Suddenly,, she started speaking Korean REALLY fast. Myung had a difficult time catching everything she was saying. "Um, ma'am, can you please slow down so I can write down your order?" she interrupted. Myung started to sweat a little. The girl just laughed.

"Wow, you really need to be better at your job." the girl chuckled more. Myung nervously laughed it off, not wanting to cause a scene. She had already brought a cup of water for the girl. The girl just smirked, and purposely knocked the water over. The water spilled over the table and floor, while the cup rolled off the table and shattered on the floor. CRASH! "Oops, my mistake." the girl laughed a little. She stood up and walked past Myung. "Maybe you should look for another job." the girl walked out, leaving the mess for Myung to clean up.

After the girl left, the manager of the restaurant, an old cranky man, walked and immediately started yelling at Myung. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! YOU GOT GLASS EVERYWHERE ON THE CARPET!!" he kept shouting. All of the customers were alarmed because of the commotion. Myung started wiping the table. "I-I'm sorry, but it wasn't my fault! She purposely spilled the water! And I-" the boss slammed his hand on the table before Myung could finish her sentence. "ENOUGH!! NO MORE EXCUSES!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO SHE WAS?!? SUCH DISRESPECT!!" he shouted louder. Tears were forming in Myung's eyes, but she refrained from crying. "THAT'S IT!! YOU'RE FIRED! GET OUT OF MY RESTAURANT!!" he pointed at the door. Myung stood up, and ran out the door. She ended up crying....in tears of anger.

But what she saw next was unpredictable. She recognized that face from anywhere. It was the girl. She was skipping towards someone....Joon?! The girl immediately linked her arms with him, and they walked away. Myung wiped her tears. Joon....?



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