💖 Part 13 - Just One Day 💖

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It was 6 AM in the morning, and Myung laid in her bed. She stared at her phone, specifically Jae's number. Should I call him? Will he help me? She shook her head. Of course he will. Especially since last night.... But it's so intimidating.... He's a famous actor! Myung bit her lip and called him. After two rings, he picked up.


"Hey! It's Myung! You know, from last night." she laughed nervously.

"Oh yeah, I remember. How's your head?" he asked.

"It's better. All because of your ice packs!" Myung said sheepishly. Why am I so nervous when I talk to him?

"Ah, of course. So, what's up?"

She coughed. "I was hoping for some help with something."

There was pause. "What do you need help with?" he answered.

"Meet me outside of my apartment, please."

"Alright, I'll text you when I'm there. See you soon." Jae then hung up. Hopefully, he can help me.

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Later, Jae met with Myung outside of the apartment building. Before Myung could say anything, Jae said, "Let's actually go into your apartment. If you don't mind." Myung was surprised at the sudden request, but she remembered that he was an actor. Of course he would be followed by paparazzi. She nodded, and they headed inside.

They sat down in the living room. Jae laid down and sunk into the couch. "So, what do you need help with?" he asked. Myung shuffled in her seat. "Well, I recently got fired from my job, and it's been difficult to get a job around here. I need help looking for another one." Jae sat up, and thought about it. "I could totally help you with that. But if you don't mind me asking, why did you get fired from your old job?" Myung knew that question would pop up. What am I supposed to say? Your famous sister basically got me fired? "Uh, someone came in and caused trouble for me. My boss saw and he fired me." I then said. Jae gasped. "Who got you fired?! I'll teach them a lesson!! Meet my buddies: Mr. Fist and Mr. Fist!!" he held up his fists and punched air. Myung laughed at him. "Don't worry. What's done is done. I just need help finding another job before the landlord kicks me out." Jae then looked at me. His green eyes were glistening at me. Suddenly, he curled up next to Myung. He looked at her face and held it with his hand. Her breathing got faster, and she blushed. "I'll help you out. Whatever you need, I'll give it to you." he whispered. Myung gulped. "Let's hang out tomorrow again. We can discuss this further." Jae said with his hand still holding Myung's face.

"Uh, well, you see-" Before Myung could finish her sentence, Jae interrupted. "Please? I want to spend more time with you and help you out." Myung's heart skipped a beat. "Yeah. O-Of course."

After they said their goodbyes, Myung ran to the bathroom, and washed her face. What the heck is wrong with me? WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH HIM?? She then wiped her face dry with a towel. Do I have....feelings for him....?



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