Chapter one;

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Another morning; another shift at the bar. He took his phone out of the charger and checked his messages, nothing important, as always. He is still waiting for her, hoping for a phone call, a text, just to hear her voice one more time. But she made it clear that they're over and she needs to wed another man, James McVey, the perfect rich man that every woman wants.

"Hey mate you up?" Connor, his roommate knocked on the bedroom door bringing him back to reality. "Yeah mate, I'm awake" Brad said getting up from his bed, walking towards the bathroom.

"Alright, just wanted to let you know that I'm heading out for a while, be back around 10 pm" he said informing the boy. What in the hell is Connor going to do the whole day out? He thought to himself. Then he remembered that he talked about going to London to meet his friends a few days ago.

"Okay bye, have fun" he said, soon hearing the apartment door slamming shut. He took a quick shower, wrapping a towel around his waist as he went back into his room to pick his clothes. Brad checked the time and saw that it was only 9 am, his shift doesn't start until 1 pm.

Putting some clothes on he decided to have a proper breakfast, since it was long time since he had one. Opening the black kitchen cabinets he took out a pan and picked up two eggs and bacon from the fridge. While the food was cooking he made himself a cup of coffee, black coffee, just like how he likes it. Knowing that it will be a long day at work considering it's an open mic night at the bar.

After he finished his breakfast, cleaning the dishes he went back into his room, going towards the little book shelf hanging from the wall, he picked a book from his little collection, so he could read to pass the time. It's only 10:30, i have to make the time pass somehow, and what's better than reading a book, the boy thought to himself, Picking 1984 by George Orwell, one of his favorite novels. He smiled to himself opening the book and sitting down on the black bean bag next to the bedroom window.

Just when the boy finished reading chapter 7, his phone rang. Hoping that it's her, he quickly got up rushing towards the night stand to grab his phone. When the caller ID showed otherwise, he was upset that it's not her, but still answered the call.


"Where are you Brad? You're late!" The lady yelled through the phone which caused him to remove the phone from his ear a little.

His hear turned quickly to the clock hanging on the bedroom wall checking the time; 1:14 pm.

"Shit, mom I'm sorry I'll be there in a minute" he quickly put his shoes on taking the house keys with him

"You better be here soon young man" she said hanging up before he could reply. He took a long deep breath before exiting the apartment.

"I just hope that this night will be okay" he murmured to himself locking the apartment door. After 3 minutes he arrived, the distance from his apartment complex to the bar was a few minutes walk and the boy was happy that he made it just in time, kind of.




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