Chapter six;

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"Aye mate, mind covering up for me? I need a few minutes break" Bradley said to his word mate.
"Yeah sure, make it quick" he said taking his spot at the bat.

Bradley went outside and sat at the corner of the street, near a little alley, it was his smoking spot, whenever he needed a break from work he would go out here and smoke a cigarette or two, people passing by, not even glancing over the boy sitting on the streets floor smoking.

Soon be drifted away from reality, thinking about the girl, Summer. He can't believe he saw her last night, or early morning to be exact. He thought that he would never see her again, but seeing her last night, and her even looking up to see him made his heart skip a beat, the last time he felt something like this was months ago, but the girl broke his heart, and he never thought he could feel the same way again. He needs to know more about her, he needs to know who she is, what's her story, just to hear her accent again. He knew for sure that she wasn't from England, her accent was so strange yet so fascinating, he could listen to her talk for hours, not to mention her voice. Het acoustic set that night was so amazing, he felt like it was only the two of them in the room, her singing to him, him listening to her.

"I need to ask my mother is she knows anything about her, maybe a phone number or something" the boy murmured to himself.

"No Brad what in the hell are you doing, you're not a freak stop it" he said, mentality punching his face.

He got off the cold street floor, dusting the dirt from his black skinny jeans, he got back inside, mentally preparing himself for a long night.

Time passed and soon it was 11:39 pm, there were only a few people along with the workers, quite night. He was thankful for that. Suddenly the huge glass door opened revealing a person with a guitar getting in. His eyes suddenly widened, it's Summer.
She was looking around the bar and locked eyes with the curled hair boy. She started walking towards him with a smile on her face.

"Well hello there" she said sitting on the bar stool putting her guitar next to her.

"Hey, how are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm fine, can i get a glass of Jack Daniels please?" She asked the curled hair bartender

"Yeah sure, after all it's my job" he winked at her, pouring her a glass of the brown liquid.

He watched her, as she carefully took a sip from the glass, looking at her phone. Her hazel eyes glowing from the screen lighting.

"So what about your music? The night you preformed here you said that you're hoping that one of the producers will notice you, did it happen yet?" He asked, Hoping to hear her voice again.

"Actually yes, i met with one of them last night, he promised to help me break through with my music, and i believe him" she said with a huge smile on her face.

The two of them continued to chat through the night, her drinking a few more glasses of liquor, and him doing his job. He learned from her that she's from Sweden and she is 19, moved all the way here when she turned 18.

"Well, i think i better get going, it's almost 3 am" she said, taking her wallet out of her bag.

"You don't have to pay, it's on me" He said. "What? The total is almost 100£ I'm not going to not pay for that Bradley" she said.

"I work here, my family owns this place, so if i say it's on me, then it is. And who said I can't treat a beautiful girl like you with a few drinks on the house" he said winking at her, surprised at his own words.

"Um, sure" Summer said blushing.
She put her wallet back in to her bag and took a notebook and a pen, writing something down, trying to keep a straight face.

She quickly put the note on the bar table in front of me, took her guitar and bag and rushed out of the bar, looking back at me and smiling before she exited the bar.

He looked at the folded paper, opened it and saw a 30£ tip, and a note that said "0121-486-4929 - text me or call me sometimes, Summer ;)" with a huge smile on his face, the boy folded the paper back and put it into his pocket.





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