Chapter seven;

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"Oh come on mate just text her! She gave you her number for a reason" Connor said encouraging the boy to text Summer.

"I don't know, what if she regrets it? She was a bit drunk when she gave me the note" he said.

"Oh man, take this as a chance to move on! Come on Brad just do it or i will" he threatened Brad, reaching to his phone.

"Don't you fucking dare Con!" Bradley yelled snatching his phone back from Connor's hands.

"I give up okay?" He said sighing "I hate seeing you like this, i can see that you fancy her, why now text her and just move on with your life? She's already married there's no going back from that Brad"

"I know, I'm just scared to get hurt again, I never see that coming, i loved her so much her i still do–"

"Don't even say that you still love her Bradley–" he cut Bradleys words with anger in his voice "she broke your heart and she didn't even care about it, i hope she's fucking happy with her rich life, but i know that you deserve million times better than Claire and maybe it's your chance" Connor said more calmly.

"I'm going to my room, if you need something tell me" Connor said walking out of Bradley's bedroom.

The boy stared at the note for a few minutes, scared for life, don't know what to do. Debating whether to call her or text her. On the one hand he wants to hear her voice again, but on the second hand he knows that through text messages he can think about what to say.

Gathering the confidence he opened his phone typing quickly her number and writing a text message

Hey, it's Bradley from the bar :)

He waited a few moments for a reply, eyes locked to his phone screen. "I knew it, she changed her mind" he said to himself, locking his phone and throwing his phone away. Just as the phone touched the floor, a text notification sound dinged. Running towards the phone quickly picking it up, smiling to see that she answered his text message;

Hi! I thought you'd never text me! Haha, how are you doing? :)

The smile on his face grew wider while answering the text in a heart beat.

I'm good thanks for asking, what about you?

The two young people spent the rest of the night texting and talking. Soon it was 2 am, he texted Summer a good night message and plugged his phone into the charger, taking his shirt off, burying himself under the duvet, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter :)


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