Chapter 1: Transfer Students

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Mei Xin sat down in her seat and waited for the bell to ring and then came her class.

"Look, here's Chou Xin (Chou is the Chinese word for ugly. It is the opposite of her name Beautiful heart)."

But before they could do anything the bell rang. 'Saved,' she thought.

"Don't worry just wait till you head home today," whispered Liu Ceng Ying before he headed back to his seat.

Lei Ceng Ying: Male, Age 17, Rude, mean, enjoys watching others suffer, likes tormenting Mei Xin, short tempered.

Mei Xin shivered and recalled what happened last time. She focused back on the teacher.

"We are having new transfer students for a few months. They will stay with us until December please treat them well. Come on in," said Teacher Qing.

"Hi, my name is Wang Jun Kai," said Jun Kai. "Hi, my name is Wang Yuan," said Wang Yuan with a big smile. "Yi Yang Qian Xi," said Qian Xi coldly.

All of the girls in the room (other than Mei Xin) screamed.

"How about you three sit by Mei Xin over there. Mei Xin, please raise your hand," said Teacher Qing.

Mei Xin raised her hand. The three boys headed towards where she was sitting.

The other girls glared at her while Ceng Ying smirked. But because she's completely oblivious she doesn't even notice the TFboys are sitting by her.

"Hi, my name is Li Mei Xin," she said quietly.

"Hi, don't worry we don't bite," joked Wang Yuan. She started to smile, but when Mei Xin saw Ceng Ying's smirk, she quickly ducked her head.

The TFboys looked at each other. 'What going on?' they thought.

Their thoughts were interrupted by Teacher Qing, "Alright class, please open your books to page 23..."

After class Mei Xin immediately ran of the classroom, hoping she could make it back home.

Ceng Ying and his gang easily caught up.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

'Today's menu looks like a serving of bruises and scratches, a few kicks to the stomach, and face full of dirt,' thought Mei Xin. She shielded her face and hoped.

An hour later, Mei Xin made it back home with bruises, scratches, and a face full of dirt and mud.

'Well at least I didn't get kicked today,' she thought.

She cleaned her cuts, and put some medicine on her bruises and scratches before starting on her homework. 'I wish this could change,' she thought.


"We'll give her a break tomorrow, but the day after..." said Ceng Ying.

"Good thinking," echoed someone.

"Luring her into a false sense of security," said someone else.


"Did you two notice something odd?" asked Qian Xi.

"Odd?" said Jun Kai.

"Nope," said Wang Yuan with a mouth full of noodles.

"The way that guy smirked at Mei Xin," said Qian Xi.

"Now that you mention it, I think so too," said Jun Kai.

"Eh, find out tomorrow," said Wang Yuan still with his mouth full of food.

So they started on homework and decided to wait until tomorrow to figure out what is going on between Mei Xin and Ceng Ying.

AN: I hope you enjoy this new story; I'll do my best to update but no promises.

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