Chapter 19: Fixed?

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Mei Xin walked in and saw Jun Kai on the couch with Wang Yuan and Qian Xi on either side of him.

"Jun Kai..." said Mei Xin. Jun Kai looked up in shock.

"Uh, did you...?" started Jun Kai

"Did I what?" asked Mei Xin. Jun Kai had stopped talking and froze.

"He wanted to know if you had heard what he had said," answered Wang Yuan. Mei Xin nodded her head.

"Then... will you still try to stay with me?" asked Jun Kai hopeful. Mei Xin had to think for a long time. Jun Kai stared straight into her eyes and even gave his puppy dog eyes.

"You know, Jun Kai doesn't usually beg like this," noted Qian Xi trying to convince Mei Xin to give Jun Kai a chance.

"Mei Xin, Jun Kai really wants you back. You heard him yourself," added Wang Yuan. Mei Xin just stood there frozen. She didn't know what to do. She really wanted to say yes, but she needed more time.

"How about you stay here and think about it for a bit more. You don't have to make a decision right now, right Jun Kai?" reassured Qian Xi.

"Yeah, that's ok," agreed Jun Kai.

Mei Xin thus agreed to wait a bit before deciding and awkwardly joined them at the living room. After she sat down, they all awkwardly stared at each other before Wang Yuan broke the silence. "Come on let's go watch Boyhood (it's their new TV series) it beats sitting around here and doing nothing," decided Wang Yuan. Thus they turned on the TV and watched Boyhood until they headed up to bed.

The Next Day...

Jun Kai did not sleep well that night. He tossed and turned but he kept think about the Mei Xin and An An problem. When morning arrived he quickly dressed and headed to the dance room to think.

Mei Xin that night was also restless. She couldn't fall asleep as she felt really bad for making Jun Kai wait. (AN: Wait is this the first time she's being perceptive. I must be delusional.) She ended up going on her computer and watched TFboys' videos.

Wang Yuan woke up later than Mei Xin and Jun Kai. Just like yesterday he grabbed a quick breakfast and was off to the music room where he played the piano.

Qian Xi was the last to get up and headed down slowly to eat breakfast. He surprisingly saw no one when he got down.

Several minutes later, Mei Xin decided to head down, and to eat breakfast. She found Qian Xi downstairs making breakfast.

"Morning Mei Xin," he said.

"Morning," she replied.

"Have you made a decision? Or are you still thinking about it?" asked Qian Xi.

"Well, I..." started Mei Xin. She soon fell quiet as she didn't know what to tell Qian Xi. Qian Xi noted her silence.

"It's ok, I'm pretty sure Jun Kai would wait an eternity for you anyways," joked Qian Xi. Mei Xin froze at Qian Xi's comment.

"Oh... right, I uh... probably shouldn't have said that," said Qian Xi apologetically.

They then silently ate breakfast. After finishing his breakfast, Qian Xi went to talk to Jun Kai leaving Mei Xin to do whatever.

Mei Xin ended up heading back to the piano room to listen to Wang Yuan play the piano and sing.

After Wang Yuan finished his song, "Because I Met You," (因为遇见你) Mei Xin approached him.

"Hey, what's up?" asked Wang Yuan.

"Um, will...does... can... Jun Kai... um... will Jun Kai fix the problem with her?" stuttered Mei Xin.

"If not I'll get Qian Xi to make him," joked Wang Yuan.

"What if he doesn't?" asked Mei Xin.

"He will don't worry. Otherwise he'd regret it for his entire life," said Wang Yuan. Just then, Qian Xi walked in.

"Hey, Wang Yuan, we have to head to work with the trainees again," said Qian Xi.

"Think about it. I trust Jun Kai will do what's best for the two of you," said Wang Yuan as he left with Qian Xi.

Mei Xin was thinking as she went to find Jun Kai. When she finally found him in his room, Jun Kai looked up from his guitar.

"Jun Kai, I'm ready to give you a second chance," said Mei Xin.

AN: I feel kind of bad not updating but oh well. I do what I can. Enjoy this slightly longer chapter.

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