Chapter 15: A Problem

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'Jun Kai was acting really weird,' thought Qian Xi. And it was true; Jun Kai kept looking at the clock, his watch, and constantly checked his phone for who knows what.

Qian Xi remembered the phone call he overhead early this morning.


"Yes... No I don't want it... Stop trying to meddle in my life...I can choose myself...Bye," said Jun Kai on the phone. He saw Jun Kai sit down on his bed and sigh.

"What am I going to do?" Jun Kai said aloud.


Jun Kai finally received a text and then told Mei Xin and the others, "I have to go. There some business I have to take care of."

Mei Xin replied, "Ok. Be back soon. I'll miss you."

Qian Xi at this point had already told Wang Yuan about what he had heard. Both of them glanced at each other before Qian Xi said, "Ok, when will you be back by?"

"Probably won't be back until late tonight," replied Jun Kai as he headed out. Qian Xi and Wang Yuan looked at each other nodded and thus dragged poor Mei Xin out of the door.

"What are we doing?" asked Mei Xin.

"Shh, quiet," said Wang Yuan.

"Oh, what are we doing then?" whispered Mei Xin.

"Following Jun Kai of course. He was being very odd earlier today didn't you notice?" explained Qian Xi.

"Jun Kai was being weird?" asked Mei Xin.

"Quick, he's almost of out sight already," said Wang Yuan. They followed him at a distance making sure they weren't seen. Jun Kai soon arrived at a house.

"Isn't this where Jun Kai's parents live?" asked Wang Yuan.

"Yeah," replied Qian Xi.

"Kai Kai!" shouted a girl from inside as she ran out to embraced Jun Kai. Jun Kai sighed aloud and said, "Please stop doing that, and get your hands off." Jun Kai's parents came out of the house at this time.

"You know she likes you. You two would make the perfect couple," they said.

"妈 (Mom), 爸(Dad), I don't want to marry An An," replied Jun Kai annoyed. But his parents just kept on talking about them.

"We planned the wedding for the week after school is over. I want you to spend this time today to you know talk for a bit. I know you haven't seen her in ages," rambled Jun Kai's mother.

"Oh and don't forget tomorrow we need to start planning for the wedding so come over. No exceptions," said Jun Kai's father strictly.

"Yes father," said Jun Kai reluctantly and he was escorted inside with An An.

Wang Yuan and Qian Xi were floored. Jun Kai just had an arranged marriage set up for him right in front of their eyes. Mei Xin didn't realized what was going on.

"What were they talking about?" she asked.

"Uh...Um...well..." stuttered Wang Yuan.

"Can we tell you later?" asked Qian Xi. She nodded her head and said, "Ok."

Qian Xi and Wang Yuan glanced at each other. Their thoughts were the same, 'what do we do about this? And will Jun Kai tell her?'

They took Mei Xin to their house and offer for her to stay here for the night. After dinner Mei Xin was tired and decide to go to sleep first while Qian Xi and Wang Yuan waited for Jun Kai to get home.

When Jun Kai got back, Qian Xi immediately asked, "Where did you end up going?"

"Places," said Jun Kai dodging the question.

"You won't even tell your best friends what you did today?" asked Wang Yuan. Jun Kai ignored him and went back to his room.

AN: Muahhhahahhahahaha. Is this chapter not evil enough? Well the next one will truly be evil!

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