Chapter 17: Awkward

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Mei Xin woke up the next day in a bed. 'Jun Kai must have carried me to the guest room after I fell asleep,' she thought.

She got up and headed downstairs to search for food. She surprisingly found Jun Kai in the kitchen not Wang Yuan.

"Morning Kai Kai!" she exclaimed. Jun Kai turned around and at the same time jumped.

"Ah! Mei Xin...uh...morning..." stammered Jun Kai.

"What's for breakfast?" asked Mei Xin.

"Uh..." said Jun Kai as he handed her a plate of food.

"Thanks!" said Mei Xin as she headed off to the table. Just then Qian Xi came down and Jun Kai came out of the kitchen.

"Where's Wang Yuan? It's not like him to miss a meal," asked Qian Xi.

"Why not maybe he's still sleeping?" asked Mei Xin.

"If Wang Yuan had to choose sleeping verses eating, it would be eating without a doubt," explained Qian Xi.

"No idea Qian Xi. I haven't looked for him," answered Jun Kai.

"Have you done the thing?" suddenly asked Qian Xi. Jun Kai glared at Qian Xi for mentioning that topic. Qian Xi rolled his eyes and glanced at him as if saying, 'Don't give me that attitude.'

"No," Jun Kai finally said.

Just then the door bell rang. Mei Xin went to get the door.

"Who are you?" asked Mei Xin when she opened the door.

"Me? It's not important for you to know but let me in please," the girl said haughtily. Mei Xin shrugged and led the girl to Jun Kai and Qian Xi.

"Jun Kai!" said the girl as she ran up and hugged him. Jun Kai froze, 'This is not good,' he thought.

Qian Xi looked surprised, 'isn't this that An An girl from Jun Kai's house?'

"Who are you," asked Mei Xin again. Jun Kai was still frozen; he literally had no idea what to do after seeing An An here.

"Again my name isn't important to a commoner like you," scoffed An An.

Jun Kai at this time finally unfroze and carefully push An An off him. He then explained, "This is An An, she's well... my... um... arranged... uh... my arranged... err... wife."

Mei Xin stopped all of a sudden.

"Oh, were you his girlfriend?" said An An sneering. "Well Jun Kai's mine," she continued smiling lovingly at Jun Kai.

Mei Xin's eyes started to blur. Her nose started to run. She started to quiver and shake. She could only whisper, "Jun Kai, why..."

An An scoffed and turned away to look at "her Jun Kai." Qian Xi was stunned, 'So An An behaved like a crazy fan.'

Before anyone could react she was running towards the door. Fortunately, Qian Xi was already blocking the doorway, but Mei Xin just turned and ran down another hallway.

An An ignored Qian Xi and dragged Jun Kai out of house saying, "Come on I want to go shopping for clothes."

As Qian Xi heard them leave he received a text.

do something qian xi please ill try to get out of this I would give up everything for mei xin

Mei Xin POV:

Mei Xin's tears flooded out of her eyes as she ran away from Jun Kai and An An. 'Why did An An have to be there? Why didn't Jun Kai tell me?' she thought as she ran up the stairs.

Suddenly she heard from one of the other rooms...

说的不离不弃 千言万语

(AN: Here's the ping ying. And the really bad English translation I translated this by hand btw)

Yù dào nǐ shì wǒ jīn shēng zuì dà de jīng xǐ
yang guāng bù xiù wēn nuǎn zhe huí yì
shuō de bù lì bù qì qiān yán wàn yǔ
rú jīn dōu cáng jìn xīn lǐ

When I meet the biggest surprise of my life

The sunlight is warm of memories

I Say I will never forget the thousand words

I will now hide it all in my heart.

She peeked inside the room...

AN: If anyone's name is actually Mei Xin, Ceng Ying or An An (talking to you :D) all qualities of those characters are made up and such.

Also I hope you enjoy! 

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