Chapter 7: Pushed Too Much

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When Wang Yuan and Qian Xi came back they all discussed the question, "why does Mei Xin get picked on?"

"No ideas. Something up though," said Qian Xi.

"Yeah, but can we just go around asking people about it? I mean although we are the TFboys, it doesn't seem right to do this," said Wang Yuan.

"Hmm..." they thought.

"Here, how about when Mei Xin wakes up from her nap, we'll ask her. In the mean time, Wang Yuan, Qian Xi, finish your homework," said Jun Kai.

"Makes sense," answered Qian Xi.

Wang Yuan grudgingly agreed and pulled out his homework.

Mei Xin woke up an hour later. After heading downstairs, she found the TFboys all at the table. Jun Kai was reading while Qian Xi and Wang Yuan looked like they were finishing their homework.

"Hey, Mei Xin how are you doing?" asked Wang Yuan. Mei Xin beamed at Wang Yuan while Wang Yuan flashed his trademark wink in return.

Jun Kai felt a stab of jealously. 'Wang Yuan, what are you doing?' he thought, 'Mei Xin should be with me.'

Qian Xi looked up.

"Can we ask you something?" asked Qian Xi.

Mei Xin's blood ran cold. She looked scared for an instant but instantly recovered.

"What's wrong with you and Ceng Ying?" asked Wang Yuan.

"It's just he doesn't like me," lied Mei Xin. None of the TFboys believed her.

"Are you sure? It seems like there's something else going on. Like why are you still being bullied? Did something happen?" pressed Qian Xi. Mei Xin shut her mouth and refused to answer.

The TFboys glanced at each other, 'should we try to push further?'

Suddenly before they could do anything, Mei Xin ran out the door clearly crying.

"****," said Jun Kai. They were stunned; they didn't expect that response from her and ended up reacting too slowly.

"Come on we have to go after her," said Jun Kai. Qian Xi and Wang Yuan quickly followed Jun Kai out of the house looking for Mei Xin.

"Mei Xin! Mei Xin!" shouted Jun Kai.

"Where are you?" shouted Wang Yuan.

Several hours later...

"She's too good at hiding and avoiding people, she has to be at home by now," said Qian Xi. Jun Kai and Wang Yuan thought for a bit.

"But what if she didn't make it home?" said Jun Kai.

"We should check her home then. Does anyone know her address?" asked Wang Yuan. They stopped and thought for a bit. 'No,' they thought.

Thus they kept searching seeing if they could find some sign of Mei Xin.

"What if Ceng Ying got to her before us?" said Jun Kai.

"We can't keep searching like this. The day's growing dark and we need rest," said Qian Xi avoiding the question.

Jun Kai turned to look at Wang Yuan who was stuffing his face full of more snacks. He sighed and agreed with Qian Xi.

"Tomorrow we can go school and see if she's there or if Ceng Ying has his trademark smirk on his face," reasoned Jun Kai.

'We shouldn't have pushed her so hard. But who knew she would run out on us?' he thought.

They headed back home with a heavy heart. 'Where are you Mei Xin?'

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