Chapter 13: Stopping! Realizing... Asking?

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The basketball game finished with Ceng Ying and Wang Yuan winning the 2 vs. 2. Wang Yuan threw a water bottle at Ceng Ying. Ceng Ying caught the bottle, "Thanks, I guess."

"Why did you guys even think about playing basketball with me?" asked Ceng Ying.

"We thought you could use some fun that doesn't involve bullying other people," said Wang Yuan, "Are you going to bully people?"

Ceng Ying hesitated and then said, "Well, it is really fun to..." Before he could finish, all three TFboys look at him. Wang Yuan looked hopefully and made Ceng Ying feel bad. Jun Kai looked super angry and scary as if he was going to break some bones. Qian Xi had a face where he showed disappointment, as if he was disappointed in his decision.

"I'll try," he said after careful consideration.

"You'll try?!" shouted Jun Kai as he rushed forward at Ceng Ying. Before anyone could react Jun Kai had already knocked Ceng Ying down and was busy pounding his face.

It took both Wang Yuan and Qian Xi together to pull Jun Kai off.

"Here's the deal, you don't really want to bully Mei Xin or you might be seeing bars," said Qian Xi very seriously.

"Anyways, Jun Kai might go berserk and I'm not sure if we can stop him even if we wanted to," said Wang Yuan.

After a few seconds of Jun Kai struggling and no response from Ceng Ying, Qian Xi said, "From a logical stand point you should probably agree otherwise one of our hands could slip and oops Jun Kai could be pounding your face again."

"Why do you even bully people? Doesn't it feel better to be the good guy?" asked Wang Yuan.

After another few seconds of thinking Ceng Ying agreed to stop bullying people, Mei Xin included.

Several days Later...

Ceng Ying stopped bullying people and everyone that he bullied was ecstatic. They were somehow saved from Ceng Ying's wrath for the longest stretch of time.

After school Mei Xin was followed to her house again. "You three might as well come in again," she said. The TFboys again had followed Mei Xin after school; it had almost become a daily routine.

Today they watched a very recent video (obviously a TFboys). Just as they were watching, Mei Xin thought, 'They look familiar." All of a sudden she put two and two together.

"Wait...your names are Wang Yuan, Wang Jun Kai, and Yi Yang Qian Xi," she said abruptly. The TFboys looked at each other, 'Does she know now?'

"Are you three the TFboys?" Mei Xin asked.

"Yes," said Jun Kai.

"So I've been watching the TFboys with the TFboys..." she said.

"Yap," said Wang Yuan.

Mei Xin broke down right in front of them. Qian Xi and Wang Yuan pushed Jun Kai to her while they hightailed out of the room.

"Err... Are you ok?" said Jun Kai. 'That was a stupid question,' thought Jun Kai. Jun Kai handed her a box of tissues and decided to patiently wait for her to calm down.

After calming down a bit, Jun Kai asked, "You better now?"

"Yeah..." said Mei Xin.

"You want to tell me why you just... you know... did that?" asked Jun Kai.

"I just felt really stupid that I couldn't even recognized you three after watching hours of your videos," explained Mei Xin.

"Is that it? You have nothing to worry. It's not like we don't want to be friends now that you know what we do," comforted Jun Kai.

Jun Kai stood up to look for Wang Yuan and Qian Xi when he heard Mei Xin said,

"There's one more thing. I really liked TFboys Jun Kai."

AN: I didn't even expect the ended. I just randomly wrote it out and went like, oh, that was unexpected.

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