Chapter 16: Not telling Mei Xin

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'Jun Kai's my boyfriend; I must be the luckiest girl in the world,' she thought. 'Will he stay with me forever? I hope so.'

Just then she remembered, "Wang Yuan and Qian Xi were going to tell me what Jun Kai was saying and doing there. I guess I'll ask them tomorrow."

She quickly fell asleep without a worry.

Little did she know, the exact opposite situation was going through Jun Kai's mind.

'What do I do? Qian Xi and Wang Yuan will understand but what about Mei Xin? How do I tell Mei Xin about this?'

Jun Kai paced back and forth in his room. He already felt bad about not tell Qian Xi and Wang Yuan today.

'I'll tell them tomorrow. But what do I do about An An? I don't like her. She so clingy,' continued Jun Kai's thought.

'What do about Mei Xin? Do I have to give her up? Can I have her too?'

He lied on his bed and slowly fell into a restless sleep.

The Next Day...

Jun Kai woke up, and realized he was still in the same situation. 'Whelp, I guess I should get up now,' he thought.

When he finally up ended up in the kitchen looking for breakfast, he found Wang Yuan already there rummaging the refrigerator for food.

"Morning, Jun Kai!" said Wang Yuan his usual happy bouncy self.

"Morning," answered Jun Kai.

"Jun Kai you should work with the trainees today, you haven't been there in a while so they've been all asking for you. Qian Xi and I are heading there soon. Well, as soon as we take his Rilakkuma and wake him up," babbled Wang Yuan.

They decided to leave a note for Mei Xin when she wakes up. And thus they left for "work" shortly after. On the way there Jun Kai mustered up some courage and told the other two about what happened yesterday.

"So what are you going to do about it?" asked Wang Yuan.

"I don't know yet. Can you think of something?" asked Jun Kai.

"You should tell her," advised Qian Xi.

"Ugh..." said Jun Kai.

The TF trainees were ecstatic when Jun Kai finally showed up.

"Jun Kai 哥哥(older brother), you're finally here!"

"What are we doing today?"

"Can you teach us?" asked some of the TF Family.

They worked with them for the rest of the day before returning home for dinner.

Mei Xin POV:

She woke up and headed down for a late breakfast. She realized that none of the TFboys were downstairs. Even the food-holic Wang Yuan was absent from the kitchen.

She got breakfast together and completely missed the note on the table. After eating breakfast she decided to see if the TFboys were still sleeping.

She check all of their rooms but found no one unless if you count Qian Xi's Rilakkumas as people.

She lounged around on the couch watching TV and did homework at the dinner table waiting for the TFboys to show up.

The TFboys made it back home and found Mei Xin doing homework.

"Where did you go?" she asked.

"Did you read the note?" asked Qian Xi.

"What note?" she answered confused. Jun Kai went to the table and picked up the note they left for her this morning.

Mei Xin

We are going to the TF Entertainment Building to work with the trainees. Be back before dinner time.


"Oh..." she said.

For the entire evening Jun Kai kept avoiding Mei Xin's eyes and acted extremely awkward. Poor Mei Xin didn't notice a thing and kept sitting on his lap, snuggling next to him on the couch, and so on.

'Do I tell her or not...' thought Jun Kai.

'Do I tell her or not...'

'Do I tell her or not...'

'Do I tell her or not...'

'Do I tell her or not...'

'Do I tell her or not...'

'Do I tell her or not...'

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