Chapter 5: Morning Things

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Mei Xin woke up. 'Where am I again?' she thought.

She remembered that she was in Wang Jun Kai, Wang Yuan, and Yi Yang Qian Xi's house. She got out of bed and realized she didn't have another change of clothes.

She headed out the door to the closest room. That happened to be Wang Yuan's room. After one look at the room she left. The room was so messy she didn't want to walk through it.

The next room she looked into was Qian Xi's. But when she tried to wake him up he just rolled over and kept sleeping.

Annoyed she walked to the final room, Jun Kai's. "Jun Kai, wake up! Jun Kai!" she shouted as she shook him. Jun Kai rolled towards Mei Xin. But instead of waking up Jun Kai grabbed Mei Xin and pulled her onto the bed.

"Ah. Jun Kai let go!" she said.

5 minutes later...

Mei Xin was still trying to wake Jun Kai up when she heard a laugh from the door. When she looked towards the door she saw a flash before a laughing Wang Yuan ran away to the kitchen.

2 more minutes later...

Jun Kai woke up. When he noticed Mei Xin were super close to him, he visibly blushed. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to pull you into my bed," he said as he let Mei Xin get up.

"It's ok, I uh don't have another pair of clothes, does one of you have a spare?" asked Mei Xin.

Jun Kai nodded his head and headed to his closet. A few seconds later he handed you a T-shirt. Mei Xin thanked him and headed towards the guest room.

"Wait, if you want to wake one of us up, ask Wang Yuan about it, or wake him up first. Either way works," said Jun Kai as you left.

30 minutes later...

Mei Xin walked downstairs for breakfast. The TFboys were already at the table eating. "Where are your parents? And I didn't get the chance to ask you, are you brothers or something, why do you do everything together?" asked Mei Xin.

The TFboys exchanged looks, 'She doesn't know? Do we tell her about who we are?'

"You haven't seen us before have you?" asked Jun Kai carefully.

"No, why would I?" she replied confused.

"No reason, Wang Yuan's parents and my parents both live in Chongqing and Qian Xi's parents live in Beijing so we ended up staying together for a while," said Jun Kai. It wasn't technically a lie but they decided to not tell Mei Xin about them being the TFboys for now.

"Wait, there's school today. We're going to be late," realized Mei Xin.

"We are all called out for today," said Qian Xi. Mei Xin looked at them with a gaping mouth. 'How did they call her out?' she thought.

"We called the school the other day and told them you were sick and told them you weren't coming to school today," explained Qian Xi.

After eating breakfast Qian Xi and Wang Yuan had to head to the TF Entertainment building to train some new TF family members (AN: Just pretend that actually happens). That left Jun Kai to take care of Mei Xin.

"Now what do we do?" asked Mei Xin.

"Now we can make up some of the homework and then we can do whatever we want," said Jun Kai. So they settled down on the table working on catching up for their classes.

Clueless-A TFboys Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz