Chapter 10: When She Didn't Even Know

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The TFboys glanced at each other, 'She didn't even know she was kidnapped?' Mei Xin obviously didn't see them look at each other and thus patiently waited for them to explain.

"Well, you kind of got kidnapped by Ceng Ying, probably as you put the note on our door," analyzed Qian Xi.

"I'm guessing you still don't want to tell us about Ceng Ying?" asked Wang Yuan. Mei Xin slowly moved towards the door as if she was trying to leave.

"Don't worry, we won't ask again. You can tell us whenever you're ready," reassured Jun Kai. Mei Xin paused a bit before deciding to continue moving towards the door. The TFboys looked at each other.

Just as Mei Xin started to run and head out of the door, Jun Kai stood up and ran towards her. He immediately grabbed her and held onto her.

"Don't leave," he said, "It hurts me to see you getting bullied and beat up." Mei Xin froze. 'There are people that care about me?' she thought as her eyes watered. Soon after she was crying into Jun Kai's shoulder as he carefully led her to the couch.

Qian Xi and Wang Yuan tactfully headed into the kitchen to prepare dinner giving Mei Xin and Jun Kai some alone time.

"Did you expect that to happen?" whispered Wang Yuan. Qian Xi nodded his head.

"I expected Jun Kai to stop her, but not like that," continued Wang Yuan. Qian Xi shrugged as if he was saying, 'Be more observant.' They then didn't say a word as they worked on getting dinner ready.

Jun Kai POV:

Jun Kai held Mei Xin as he rocked her back and forth. Several minutes passed and Mei Xin stopped crying. When she noticed she was crying all over Jun Kai she immediately apologized.

"It's ok. But you don't have to be alone anymore," said Jun Kai. Mei Xin froze again.

Jun Kai bravely pushed forward. "Will you be my girlfriend?" asked Jun Kai.

"I don't know...I don't want you to get on the bad side of Ceng Ying," said Mei Xin meekly.

"I don't care. I would..." said Jun Kai as he blushed.

"You would what?" asked Mei Xin.

"I would fight all of the bullies in the world to get to you," he said blushing.

"Give me a few days please," asked Mei Xin clearly blushing from Jun Kai bold declaration.

Both of them saw a flash from the kitchen, "WANG YUAN!!!" shouted Jun Kai. Mei Xin giggled at Wang Yuan's sneaky photo.

Wang Yuan POV:

'Look at all these great photos of Jun Kai and Mei Xin,' though Wang Yuan as he took several photos of them together.

Suddenly they noticed him take photos. 'Time to go,' he thought as he ran off to hide behind Qian Xi.

Qian Xi took one look at Wang Yuan running and rolled his eyes. "Again?" he asked Wang Yuan. Wang Yuan nodded as he peered around Qian Xi for Jun Kai.

Jun Kai and Mei Xin appeared at the kitchen door. Wang Yuan ducked behind Qian Xi and out of sight.

"Are you hiding Wang Yuan again?" asked Jun Kai. Mei Xin giggled.

"What do you think? He's always here after such a mission," said Qian Xi, "Anyways, dinner is ready. Come on give him a break just this time."

Jun Kai agreed but whispered to Mei Xin, "I don't know why I always get convinced to leave Wang Yuan alone by Qian Xi." Mei Xin was all smiles. 

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