Chapter 8: Fall Out

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The next day, the TFboys ran to school and patiently waited at their seats hoping to see Mei Xin show up.

To their dismay, Mei Xin didn't show up to school and was missing from the rest of their classes. "What do we do? We have to keep looking," declared Jun Kai.

"Ge (brother), we have to go to practice, we can't go looking for her today. Even if we find her will she actually talk with us?" reasoned Qian Xi.

The TFboys sighed and reluctantly left for their training building.

Mei Xin POV:

Mei Xin was crying at home. Both her parents weren't home so she was able to snuggle under her bed instead of going to school.

'Jun Kai, Wang Yuan, Qian Xi you don't know anything about me...' she thought. (AN: Poor clueless Mei Xin).

The next few days, went exactly the same. Mei Xin stayed home and everyone else went to school. The TFboys were getting more and more worried. They haven't seen Mei Xin at all, and no one could tell if Ceng Ying had gotten to her or not.

1 Week Later...

The TFboys arrived at school at their usually time. However this time, they saw Mei Xin quickly sit down at her desk. But when they tried to talk to her, all they got was silence.

They glanced at each other, 'what do we do?' Wang Yuan tried to offer food, no response. Qian Xi decided on waiting patiently, no response obviously. Jun Kai ended up staring at Mei Xin for the rest of class.

The other female students looked at her jealously and began plotting her demise. They wish the TFboys could try to talk to them.

Soon lunch time came and the TFboys ate lunch on the rooftop discussing their plan.

"We should just let her be. Why are we pushing so hard?" said Wang Yuan with a mouthful of food. Jun Kai shook his head while Qian Xi pondered for a bit.

"No, we should just follow her after school. Find out where she lives so we can figure out what's going on," said Jun Kai.

"Well either way, we should be thinking about it a bit. For instance, why is Mei Xin so scared to the point where she wouldn't tell us? And why would she just run away?" analyzed Qian Xi.

"Whether you're going or not, I'm going to follow her," declared Jun Kai.

"Well if you're going, I guess I have to go," relented Wang Yuan. Qian Xi shrugs and follows the other two out.

After school, Mei Xin sprinted out of the door and bee lined towards the front gate. The TFboys also sprinted out primarily to follow her but at the same time they also prevented other fans from swarming them.

This time they weren't able to keep up with Mei Xin.

"We lost her..." said Qian Xi. The other two nodded their heads in agreement. 'Now what?' they thought.

They decided to walk back to their house thinking about this problem. When they reached the front door a note was stuck on it.

Dear Jun Kai, Wang Yuan, and Qian Xi,

Please don't talk to me anymore. I don't want any more trouble. Thanks for trying to help but you can't do anything about my problems. I can take care of myself.

Mei Xin

AN: I'm a nice person. <.<

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