Chapter 12: Dealing with Ceng Ying

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"Uh..." uttered Jun Kai and Qian Xi. They didn't know how to respond to that question, it's not like they didn't know what happened.

"Sure!" said Wang Yuan all bouncy as usually. He elbowed Jun Kai and Qian Xi causing them to quickly agree.

When Mei Xin left for a second to get her laptop Jun Kai turned to Wang Yuan, "Why did you agree to watch us?"

"Well you want to get closer to Mei Xin so just watch some videos with her," said Wang Yuan as he quickly scuttled behind Qian Xi.

Jun Kai's eyes flashed for a second, but then he thought about it a bit more. 'It does make sense if I want to get closer to her. Since when did Wang Yuan have good ideas?'

Mei Xin came back and they connected the laptop to the TV. The first video they watched was one of the Happy Camp episodes.

"I remember this; I ended up crawling up the slope," whispered Wang Yuan.

"Shh, don't let her to hear you say that or she'll be suspicious," scolded Jun Kai quietly. Mei Xin didn't see this exchange and was focused on watching the TFboys on the TV.

After watching several videos of the TFboys Mei Xin still didn't recognize the TFboys that were sitting in the room.

"We should probably go home, there still is school tomorrow," said Qian Xi. Mei Xin nodded her head reluctantly.

As the TFboys were walking home they discussed their upcoming plans.

"Did you notice Mei Xin definitely didn't want to go to school?" asked Qian Xi.

"Yeah, do you think we should teach Ceng Ying a lesson about bullying?" said Jun Kai thinking aloud. The other two agreed with him and began plotting their way of avenging Mei Xin.

The Next Day...

Class dragged on forever. The TFboys were anxiously waiting for the bell to ring to put their plan into action. After what felt like decades, the bell rang and the TFboys sprinted out of the room faster than Mei Xin.

This time when Mei Xin ran home there was no one following her.

'That's odd she thought. No Jun Kai, Wang Yuan or Qian Xi, not even Ceng Ying is here. What's going on?' she thought.

Several blocks away...

Ceng Ying was taking a short cut on the way to intercept Mei Xin when a figure stood in front of him blocking the way.

"Think you can bully a girl and get away with it?" said Jun Kai as Ceng Ying approached him. Ceng Ying yelped and quickly turned around to go the other way only to find out he was surrounded by the TFboys.

"If we see you go around bullying and kidnapping girls, not just Mei Xin, you'll find yourself quick behind bars," said Qian Xi. The TFboys dragged Ceng Ying around the corner to a nearby park.

Ceng Ying was confused, 'Why a park of all places?' Suddenly Wang Yuan threw a basketball at him and shouted, "Catch!"

"What's this for?" asked Ceng Ying as he caught the ball.

"To play basketball silly," said Wang Yuan, "Two on two, you and me verses Jun Kai and Qian Xi."

And so they played basketball for the next hour. They hoped that was enough to convince Ceng Ying to stop bullying other people.

AN: When your plan to stop someone from bullying is a verbal threat followed by a game of basketball...

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