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I remember having my mother tuck me in at night. How she would wait beside my bed until I would fall asleep. How she would tell me that my day had come to and end and that all my worries could go away. Then one night she never came home. And when I woke up, I called 911. And the police came to my door as I was crying and weeping. Telling me that my mother was shot in the chest. That she left me to another life. I from that day stopped living. What possibly gave me a reason to live to be alone in the dark. To eat with strangers. Telling me what to do and what not to do. Crying until my eyes sting. Having headaches for being constantly yelled at. Going to school with idiots that bully me until I get suspended for " being violent and disobedient." " For causing class disruption." I had gotten 14 suspentions in one school year. Maybe for some of you guys it is not a big deal but for someone like me its horrible cause it wasn't exactly my fault. I was messed up. I was depressed. I was damaged.

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