Chapter 8: What a Mess

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  I could hear his foot steps coming toward the door. I locked it with a streak of panic. I knew he could break it. As I look through the room I go through the drawers. Anything. Anything. As he screeched the door tears started to fall. Sweat became coming. I didn't like being alone. Time was running. As I looked I couldn't find anything. And then I saw it. A pocket knife. I ran towards the window. I could hear him pushing at the door. As I look for a way to open the window I find that it's jammed. No. No. I wasn't going to die in this dirty place. As I tried to budge it with the knife, it didn't seem to work. And then I knew there was only one thing left to do. Jump through the window. As he began screaming and groaning panic began to rise. I had a 90% chance of dying and a 10% chance of living. I used the pocket knife to make a really small cut right in the middle of the window. It was almost shaped like an x. Before I decide to jump I look through the window to see how high it is. Then I realize I'm probably going to die. And just like that he breaks the door. I run as he was a centimeter away from grabbing my ankle. As I can feel the glass cutting through my cheeks and on my eyelids. As I was close a few moments I could hear him say, " Holy...."

1 week earlier.

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" Good Morning Ms. Withers," Says the nurse. As I sit up and poke my eyes she begins to open my curtains." Breakfast will be on its way." She say with a big smile on her face.

"Thank you." I say with a fake grin. The food here sucks and I can't say what 's worse the smelly bed or the loud AC. I look up at the calendar that hangs on the hospital walls. Today is the day I'm getting out of here.

Suddenly I see the lady rushing to bring a stack of papers.

" Okay we just need you to sign a few forms and you will be on your way." Seriously. A few.

Okay let's start.....

Sheet one, bill.

Shit this is going to be expensive.

Okay sheet two, information of patient.

Easy as pie.

Sheet three, oh man family.

...... ten sheets later.

As I change and head out the door I check out and hand the sheets. And then I head to my car. I turn to the backseat and grab my extra set of emergency clothes. I stuff it in my purse and begin driving. As I reach the building I head straight to the office. There I see Mrs. Perrish talking to another girl. I stop and listen.

" Yes she came the first day and took over like crazy. She already broke the rules by getting too close to the story. And she didn't even come back." She is talking about me. I start to get stiff. Instead I go to my desk. There I find my name tag has been replaced. This can't be happening. Jack told me that everything was okay and that I had the job. I go back into the office and go with full force. " Mrs. Withers you're back!" She is such a fake liar. " No I guess I'm not because my desk is for someone else." She turns her face to a disappointment. " Well what did you expect." Wow she is so rude. " Well I was in the hospital." She looks at me like I am full of myself. " Well I'm sorry about that but who was going to write my story for two weeks."

" You're fired."

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