Chapter 15: Tick-Tock

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Day 7

I take my chair and drag it to my door. I push it up so that the door knob can't easily open. Grabbing a massive roll of duct tape, I begin to rip strips with my teeth sticking it to the mail slot. Putting  layers of it. I take the door right next to it used for shoes and coats, and push it to the main door. Then I take out a kitchen knife along with the pepper spray I got a few months ago and wait. What am I doing, this could all be a lie. But judging by that scary video, I believe it was true.

I go into my kitchen hungry to eat, only to realize I need to go grocery shopping. I sigh and take out my phone, China Express still does delivery at this hour. And I am not taking chances going out after that video and letter. I don't think getting cops involved after my trouble with the police would help. And after all I don't trust the officer and his damn son. I get interrupted in my reading as my door bell rings. I look into my peephole and see a guy with a cap and jacket on both saying China Express, finest delivery. In his hand is a box of what looks like my food. As I carefully open the door the man stares down at the floor.

" You have delivery for Ms.Withers." He says in a deep voice. He seems odd.

 I take out my money carefully watching his head scan around my room with his head tilted down. Suddenly he opens the box and takes out what looks like a spray bottle.But inside there is no food.

" What the....." 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

My head throbs with pain as I blink to get my vision to clear. I come to realization that I'm not home. I'm kidnapped. I look around the room with heat rising to my head and my heart beating faster. I realize I'm tied to a chair with hands behind my back.

A black figure starts to come closer to me, covered from head to toe. I begin to feel panic, as if I'm going to start bleeding like those girls in the video.

" Do you know why you are here?" Says a deep unfamiliar voice.

" Is it you Jack, have you come to kill me too?"

" No Clara, its me your father." He takes of his mask,I see the disgusting face I have nightmares about, with a beard.

" Dad? You're supposed to be in prison!" I say, sad and scared.

" Ah now that is where you are wrong, I'm only supposed to be where I want to be and what I want is to see you."

" Why would you want to see me after the horrible things you did to me and mom."

" I want to see what you have done in your life. What things you have learned from me."

" Leave me alone you sick idiotic shit! Leave me alone, We where fine. Me and mom would have been fine if you weren't in our life. You are a filthy ass!" I cry.

"I have some things you need to hear, I know who killed your mother."

I stare widely at him angry and confused.

" It's not the dumb officer of your mothers case eh, what's his name? And it's not his crazy son either, Jack?"

" How do you know who those people are?"

" Kid I have been following you." He coughs.

" Anyway that's not important."

" What do you mean. You have been following me for...."

" Listen to me. It's the detective."

" What no, he couldn't have. Why would he?"

" You're a liar."

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