Chapter 14: Death Note

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Day 6

My father was not a good man. No matter how much you sugar coat it, he was a piece of crap. When I was two my mother was finally able to get away from him with me in her arms. Before that he abused us. He beat my mother from being drunk, angry, or upset. Once, when I was younger he was so mad and annoyed by my constant yelling and screaming of me as an infant, he took me outside and held me over the balcony. My mother try to sweet talk him out of it because he was too strong and drunk, and if she would try to take me away from him he could drop me. Her heart was beating she had told me. One night things went too far, and they got in a big fight. He had hit me to the point I had passed out. And my mother had taken the phone when he passed out from drinking, hid in the bathroom and whispered to the police to come up. She told them not to yell when they knocked or he would wake up. That was the last time I saw him. When things were sorted we had no place to go. My mother remembered seeing the women's abused shelter sign in the subway on the walls. She had called. And we stayed a couple of years around different shelters, until my mother was stable enough to take care of us alone.

I take the hot tea off of the stove and take out a tea cup. I pour the hot tea into the cup with the smoke into my face. I take the biscuits and dip them in there like I always do. I look out of the window breathing the fresh cool wind. The grass and dirt could be smelled from miles away. I wipe away the tears and laugh. Oh mother, oh father.

I go into my room. Someone stole my files, and I'm getting them back. My heart tells me it's Jack Scotts. But I still don't have proof . It could all be a misunderstanding like the detective said. I need to be prepared for anything. I grab my laptop, and type in my password, my mothers birthday. Holy shit if I have the same password for my laptop as the safe someone could go into my things, or maybe already did. I go to the settings and click. Once I finish I take a deep breath. I go to google and type Kathrine Patterson, I still don't know who she is. I wait for it to load. Oh my god, Kathrine Patterson is... Jack's girlfriend? Her picture is the same girl from the store.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Oh my god, Jack should be a suspect for her murder. If only Samuel Cruz didn't confess. But who could possibly want and need my file? Samuel didn't know my mother. But Jack and his father did. But what would they possibly want. I leave my computer and throw myself on to the bed. So many questions and no answers. I look at the ceiling. Mother, Isabel, Kathrine, who killed you?

I ended up taking a nap trying to wrap my head around this, nothing makes any sense. I woke up to a loud sound outside. I look into the peephole but see nothing, I figure it's just some stupid kids playing around the stairs pulling pranks. As I start to walk away I hear it again, but this time louder. I look into the hole, but it's covered! I start to feel a massive amount of panic. I run into my kitchen and grab a knife. My heart actually beating like a drum. As I slowly reach the door I grab out my phone, switching screens to hit and dial 911. As I open the door slowly I look out, no one is there. I look towards the door to see a piece of paper rolled and taped to my door. I begin to calm down and realize that its only the maintenance paper. I shut the door and lock it. As I begin to unscrolling the paper I come to realize that it's not a dated paper for a visit, but a death note.

Dear Clara,

Don't doubt that I'm not going to slice you open like the rest of them. There will blood dripping  and  you will be joining your dear mother, and your pathetic friend. You will beg me to make it quick and easy. When you feel your insides are taken out.


I drop down against the door with the paper in my hand. As I come to realize that a flash drive was in there too. I rise back up only to check into the peephole. I jump as my phone begins to ring. I slowly pick up the phone regretting the decision I was making.

" Hello?"

" Clara this is Mrs.Perrish, I have made my decision, and I think I'm going to let you come to work."

" Oh um, thank you Mrs. Perrish."

" Well you don't sound to excited, I can give the job to someone else."

" Oh no, I just have a lot on my mind, I would love the job."

"Great well you start on Monday."

Suddenly Jack comes up in my mind.

" Does Jack still work at Purple Light?" 

" Who?"

" Jack Scotts." Gosh she doesn't even care about who works for her.

"Oh him, yes he still does why? Oh, my meeting is starting now." Just like that she hangs up.Rude.

I forgot about Jack. I have to see him face to face on Monday. Shoot.

I hold the letter and the flash drive. I go to my computer and put the drive in waiting nervously, what I am getting myself into. A video pops up and I take couple seconds deciding if I want to click or not.

I click on the video biting my nails as the video loads. Suddenly it starts.

A girl shows walking into an alley wearing revealing clothes. She looks behind her and a figure comes. It looks like a man in all black clothes. She looks nervous. He suddenly brings out what looks like a knife. And her grabs her and stabs the knife right into her. I watch in shock as my tears drip down my cheeks. The figure looks back up to the camera. I feel scared, as if its watching me right now. I don't see a face but a mask. A black mask. Suddenly the video switches to another scene. An apartment. She walks in seeming tired. Suddenly as soon as she walks into the kitchen a figure there stands there watching with a knife in it's hand. She yells at it for it's reason in her house. And then just like that he grabs her shoulder and pulls her into the knife. I stop the video horrified. I click to replay the beginning and see that the girl wasn't some random girl, it was Isabel. And I fast forward to see the other scene and come clear, It's none other than Kathrine, Jack's girlfriend.

I pull out the flash drive, even though the killers identity was never showed, why did I see this video. Unless I'm next!

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