Chapter 3: First Day At Purple Light

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I head into the office trying to look confident. I quickly go to Mrs. Perrish 's office. There I find her typing away at her computer. " Good morning." I really had nothing to say. " Your newest discovery story is on your desk." I head out as I see a white clean desk with a stack shelf right next to it. And on the table says Clara Withers. I pick up the piece of paper. It says in bold print, HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Wow exactly when I thought things were getting a little more, happy.
I turn on the computer on the desk. And it asks for a password. Suddenly I see a cute guy that stops right past me. " You're new here right, I am Jack Scotts." I smile up. " I'm Clara Withers." He looks at me as if he knows what I'm about to ask. " The password is purple123, see you around Withers." Wow he is so cute, and hot. Omg it's my first day and I am already thinking about guys. I begin typing human trafficking. Up comes a series of things from missing  girls to dead bodies. Suddenly I stop. I freeze as if I'm about  to sneeze. A girl's name comes up. Isabel Smith. She and I used to got to school together. I look up her picture, It's definetly her. Tears start to form in my eyes. Her name is in the missing girl's section. I quickly type her name in the browser. There were things like ran away from home based on sexual assault. Abusive parents. I cover my face with my hands. We used to be best friends an she seemed so happy. I quickly run to Mrs.Perrish's office. " Mrs. Perrish, for the headline of human trafficking I chose a young girl named Isabel Smith she was reported missing a month ago." She begins to frown. " And what does this have to do with human trafficking exactly?" I look at her with my smile hanging down. " Well you see, she was last seen half naked and was on drugs, and she was a runaway so she would have been and easy target." She looks at me like I am stupid. " Unless you find any proof and information on this I have to decline."

" But Mrs.Perrish." I whine.

" But nothing."

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