Chapter 4 : Isabel Smith

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I remember how Isabel and I used to play around together and how we would have sleepovers. I miss all that. Then we began drifting apart like two magnets with the same force. We started texting less to calling less, to hanging out less. And it was unexplainable. She had that spirit of joy and enthusiasm. She would make all things a joke and tried to be positive. And suddenly she became cold. She was not mean but she shut me out. Everybody. I stop thinking about her and get myself to use. If Mrs.Perrish wants to have information that she is involved in human trafficking then she will get it. I look at the browser bar. As soon as I write her name and search there comes a near by police station address. I take my purse and head out straight through the door. This isn't just some work problem, it's personal now.

As I walk in police officers are running back and forth. I see a criminal walking with two officers struggling to hold him down. As he looks at me he smirks. I get disgusted. I shake it off and go to the lady at the front. " Hello um I am a reporter at Purple light I am looking to interview an officer about Isabel Smith." She suddenly stops. " Well haven't you heard?" I get frozen by what I think she is about to say. " She was found at a grocery store shoplifting." I calm down a little bit, but then I realize that she is alive and she ran away from the rest of them. " Do you guys have her right now." I look excited." We lost her but we have a location where she might be." She was probably scared for shoplifting. Then next thing I know her wacky talky starts to make noises. She stands up and runs towards the door. There comes officers, with a girl with black hair ,green eyes. It looks exactly like...Isabel!

But then I realize its not her. Because she pulls of her wig and then comes blond straight hair. I sit down on the bench near by. Tears start to fall from my eyes. She could be cold, starving, hurt, alone. Or even like how I used to be, damaged.

Damagedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें