Chapter 17: " Officer...."

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" So did he do it?" He says concerned.

" Did he hurt you Ms.Withers?" 

" You did." I say with and eyebrow raised.

" Excuse me Ms.Withers? What do you mean!"

I stand up as my seat falls down. He stares at me surprised. I walk past him opening the door. I look back at him my hair flipping back. 

" I'm coming back for you, and when I do, you will see things like you've never seen before."

He stares at me scared but angry.

" Is that supposed to be a threat Ms.Withers?"

I slam the door behind me. There is no reason for me to fight him in there. I need to make sure that my so called ' father' is telling the truth. I don't give a shit about anything anymore.I'm going to meet him.

I walk slowly since my feet aren't used to moving. I find the front of the station surprised that the detective hasn't come for me yet. What the hell is taking him so long. I go to the lady who is eating her donuts while laughing at a TV show.She is supposed to be watching the cameras.

" Excuse me?" I say with a pissed voice. She doesn't look at me.

" Excuse me ?" I say a little louder. She ends up laughing about something the host said.

" EXCUSE ME!"I yell at the top of my lungs. Slamming my hands flat on the countertop. It's about time someone listen to my damn voice. All those months in a coma really got me angry.

She turns to me scared like I just took out a gun to her head. That just makes me even angrier.

" I need to know where I can get a cab to the county jail."

" Um Ms aren't you supposed to have an interview with Mr.Aldertom." She says wondering.

" You either get me that cab or I'm going to have to take that donut and shove it up your.."

" Ms. Withers?"

Shit. I turn around.But it's not him. 

" Officer Scotts?"

" Clara. What is it you would like exactly."

" Um I wanted a ride. To the county jail."

" Oh." He said it as if he knew why, as if he knows for who. As if we were saying a secret message the front desk lady or anyone in the station was not supposed to know.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

I follow him, I freaking follow him. The man I suspected to be my mothers killer. The man i suspected had his son kill my mother. But i don't care, what am i supposed to do. My life is a piece of crap. I have been raped, kidnapped,have nearly died, and been abused. My mother was the only good thing in life and she is gone.

We got in the car and put or seat belts on. I start crying out of nowhere like a baby. I breakdown and cup my hands. He stares at me with the same sad eyes. As he carefully touches my hands. 

"It's okay Clara. Let it out." He says feeling bad for me.It was almost as if he was about to cry too. I have never seen a man like this.

I stop, wiping my tears as he gives me a napkin.

" I only had my mother, she had been the best thing in my life. And i will never see her again. Do you know how it feels like? To lose something you care so much about. To have this big hole in your heart and a meaning of no sense in your life. Where everything you ever joyed in your life is a piece of shit. Because everything you ever did with that person was the best things ever.The things you have to stare at everyday."

He stares at me, his eyes being filled with tears.

" I understand Clara. I lost her too. I knew your mother. She and were best friends. She and I were friends since before you were born."

" What!"

" She had promised me to keep eyes on you, making sure nothing would ever happen to you. When that family wanted to adopt you i begged so hard to take you myself. But i didn't have legal rights and proof that your mother wanted me to take care of you.The family had donated to children's foster care before. And i had not a lot of money to take care of two kids. I was devastated when they told me that they could take better care of you."

He clears his throat with a disgusted tone coming.

" If i knew what they did to you i would have killed them with my own two bare hands. I wanted to visit you but since they were your guardians they didn't want any cops involved. Saying that it would ruin your childhood."

He stares at me crying. 

" I'm so sorry Clara. Please forgive me."

I ignore what he says and and run into his arms. His furry beard touching my face. His warm heart holding my broken one. His smell so welcoming. Like fresh peppermints.It was odd how attached i was to someone i barely knew. But also knew so well.

" Your father. What do you need from him." He says, changing the subject.

" He claimed before i got in a coma, that the detective who was interviewing me today. Was the killer for Isabel, Kathrine, and my mother."

He stares at me.

" Rufus? What in gods name makes you believe that your father is telling the truth."

" When i was in a coma, i had a dream.My mom was being killed in front of my eyes. An she yelled the name Rufus. I know that makes no sense and its impossible, and that it doesn't give proof. But I think she was telling me something. She was trying to solve her own murder. She told me everything would be fine."

He stares at me wide eyed.

" We are going right now."

He buckles his seat belt as he turns the engine on. This is going to be a wild ride.

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